
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Man used Snapchat to groom and sexually exploit a Cardiff schoolgirl

Patryk Kantor

Patryk Kantor drove 120 miles to meet the girl in a park close to her home and drove her to an Air BnB.

During his online conversations. he had pretended to be 17 years old but was in fact 25.

The alarm was raised by the girl’s mother, who became concerned about some comments that she made.

Kantor was arrested on March 28, 2024, two days after the initial call to police.

He was identified and arrested thanks to CCTV enquiries and automatic number-plate recognition checks on his vehicle.
He pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual activity with a child, causing and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and meeting a child after grooming.

On Friday, June 14, he was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court to five years imprisonment. He is also subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and must sign as a Registered Sex Offender for life.

Detective Constable Anna Chad Nixon, from South Wale Police, said:“I would like to give praise to the girl’s mother who acted on their suspicions and raised the alarm with police.
“This case, and others like this one, should remind everybody that there are predators online who are targeting children.
“Online safety awareness is so important, and everybody has a role to play. 
“If anybody does suspect that somebody is being groomed, then please report it immediately.”