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£1.3 million funding to support nature in Cardiff

A Local Nature Partnership that has planted thousands of ‘bee-friendly’ bulbs, installed green ‘living walls’ at schools and community centres, and helps communities in Cardiff take practical action to support biodiversity, has secured £1.3 million of funding.

The funding, from Welsh Government’s ‘Local Places for Nature’ scheme, will enable Cardiff’s Local Nature Partnership to:

  • continue its programme of pollinator-friendly planting,
  • help create and restore wildlife habitats,
  • improve how grassland in parks and open spaces is managed for biodiversity,
  • help community groups make their local green spaces more nature-friendly.

Cabinet Member for Culture, Parks and Events, Cllr Jennifer Burke, said: “Since it was established in 2020 Cardiff’s Local Nature Partnership has worked closely with communities across the city, providing project grants, gardening equipment, bug hotels, living walls, native seeds, and more, to help them take positive action to support nature in the city’s parks and green spaces.

“With nature in decline globally, this two-year funding is really important and means two more years where we can continue to our work to support the nature on our doorstep, here in Cardiff.”

Cardiff’s Local Nature Partnership is part of a Wales-wide nature recovery network.

If you’d like to join the Cardiff Local Nature Partnership mailing list and receive news and updates on nature-based plans, projects, activities and events please contact: [email protected].