
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

3 Tips to Save Money on Your Glasses

Your eyes are important to your ability to work and enjoy your leisure time, yet eyecare can be quite a costly feat, especially if you are not eligible for free eye tests or frames. Finding ways to cut the costs associated with your eyecare needs, without scrimping on the bits that you require to be able to see clearly, may seem a little confusing. There are, in fact, ways that you can reduce the amount that you pay, by changing some of your habits when procuring glasses, and even the ways in which you look after the set you already have.

DIY fixing

While some methods of fixing broken glasses may require a trip back to your optician, not all problems need outside help. Some issues, such as a lens that has fallen out, or even bends in the frames, can potentially be resolved at home. Learning how to fix bent glasses quickly, or how to retighten loose screws, can make a big difference to their longevity. The means of fixing these might differ depending on the material of the frame but, overall, the general consensus is to be careful during any type of fix, and not use any jerky movements. This will allow you to get your glasses back into good, working order, and minimise the likelihood of them becoming damaged further.

Reuse old frames

If your prescription has not changed, you may be able to continue using the same pair of glasses that you bought last year. Some companies will also allow you to continue using the same frame even if your prescription has changed. Not only will this save you money on having to purchase a new set, but it also helps to promote a more sustainable way of living. People and becoming more and more concerned about the state of the planet so, by saving your money, you can also help to reduce the amount of waste that you create.

Protect your glasses

Damaging your frames beyond repair can leave you needing to shell out money to replace lenses, frames, or even both. By looking after your glasses properly, including keeping them in a case, you can reduce the chance of damage occurring. When buying a case, you may want to give due consideration to the material used. An aluminium case will be far more likely to offer protection to your glasses, while remaining lightweight and portable, than a simple material case. Spending a little extra on a good quality case can, therefore, save you a lot of money overall.

It is important that you don’t try to avoid eye appointments as a means of saving money, as your eyesight may have significantly changed. Instead, consider the ways that you can reduce the overall cost associated with good eyecare. As long as your glasses are in good working order, there is no reason why they can’t see you through a number of years of use, rather than just one or two.