
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

6 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Relieve Anxiety Naturally

Anyone who is unfocused, grumpy or worried on a constant basis, is probably going through anxiety. But anxiety is more than a mental occurrence, it often tends to show itself through physical manifestations like stomach issues, sleeplessness, sweating, palpitation, and trembling. That is the reason why anxiety inclines towards adversely affecting normal lives of individuals.

And though it is common to seek medical assistance to manage this condition, there are ways which do not involve medication for calming down your nerves. These solutions can be implemented either as supplement or as substitute to medicines. The lines below reveal efficient solutions that can help treat anxiety naturally and including one or more of these to daily life can provide relief from this condition.

Natural Treatment Solutions for Anxiety

There are many off the shelf remedies to help us de-stress, such as herbal remedies and oils, you can even buy CBD gummies in the UK that can be consumed orally. As already mentioned, natural ways to overcome anxiety can be used alongside medication and therapies because, in general, they are safe to follow. But there are chances of natural supplements or diet changes to cause antianxiety medicines to not work effectively. Therefore, prior to opting for these solutions, consulting a medical practitioner is a must.

Proper Sleep

It is well-known by now how important proper sleep is for improving mental health. A survey conducted in 2012 revealed that in the U.S. one-third of the total adult population do not get to sleep more than six hours at night. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends strongly that adults must sleep for 7-9 hours daily.

Top tips for better sleep include:

  • Not watching TV or reading when in bed
  • Sleeping only at night after being tired
  • Not using computer, phone, or tablet when in bed
  • Staying away from nicotine, caffeine, a large quantity of meal prior to bedtime
  • Not getting restless or shifting to a different bed when not being able to sleep
  • Trying to go to bed at a designated time every night
  • Keeping the bedroom cool and dark

Working It Out

Getting into the habit of undergoing physical activity regularly can help enhance mental health, which in turn, lowers anxiety symptoms naturally. Apart from distracting an individual from their stress and concerns, workout additionally alters the chemistry of the body to lower anxiety on a physical level.
While working out there is an increase in the level of neurotransmitters like GABA or gamma aminobutyric acid and serotonin, that helps the brain to bring down anxiety levels. According to a meta-analysis individuals resorting to physical activities on a higher level showed reduced anxiety levels, even when the exercising period was brief, proving that working out is beneficial in treating anxiety.

Balancing Diet

Processed foods contain chemical components like preservatives, artificial flavorings, and artificial coloring which, along with dehydration and low level of blood sugar, may lead to a shift in mood. Again, foods containing high sugar may affect temperament in a negative way.

It is crucial for mental and physical health to maintain a well-balanced diet, which should include a proper mix of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. Also, averting processed foods and staying hydrated will help treat anxiety naturally.

Opting for Herbal Tea

Almost all herbal teas come with the assurance of providing relief from anxiety as well as inducing sleep. While the tea-making process itself soothes many individuals, there are teas that directly affect the brain to lower levels of anxiety. A 2018 trial (small) revealed that consuming chamomile can bring changes in the cortisol (stress hormone) levels.

Jotting Down

Expressing anxiety is a good way to manage it. Studies suggest that writing or journaling can prove beneficial in coping anxiety in a better way. In 2016, a research study revealed that creative writing tends to assist teens and children in managing anxiety.

Practicing Meditation

Meditation is mainly included in daily life to reduce stress levels. Meditation, especially mindfulness practice, is known to lower inflammation response that is caused by stress. In 2013, a study concluded that it is meditation that impacts the most on individuals with maximum anxiety levels.

The availability of smartphones now makes it possible to engage in meditation without much effort. There are several apps on mental health that provide specified meditations (guided) for treating anxiety.


Apart from the solutions mentioned above, there are many more ways to treat anxiety naturally. Conditions like anxiety, panic, and stress tend to manifest in different ways for different individuals, which is why a solution that works for one might not work for the other. Changing the daily routine and finding out which of these methods work can work to lower the risk of anxiety.