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Caerphilly to review single person council tax

Caerphilly County Borough Council will be shortly carrying out a review of residents receiving a 25% discount on their council tax.

Single Person Discount (SPD) is claimed when an adult is the sole adult occupant of a property. The council is aware that while the vast majority of residents are claiming the discount appropriately, there may be a small minority who are wrongly claiming the discount. These residents may not have reported a change in their circumstances and are receiving the discount when they are no longer entitled to it.

The council will shortly be sending some residents receiving Single Person Discount a letter asking them to confirm their current circumstances. This will give residents the opportunity to notify the council if there has been a change in their circumstances.

If residents do not respond to this letter, they will have their Single Person Discount removed and further investigations may be undertaken.

Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Customer Service, Cllr Eluned Stenner said, “While we know the vast majority of our residents are correctly claiming any council tax discounts they receive, unfortunately there remains a very small minority that are not. We must take any fraudulent claims seriously, and as a council we are very proactive in confirming all discount entitlements. This simple review exercise will help ensure that those entitled to such discounts continue to receive them, while making sure that any changes in circumstances are reviewed and recorded”.

The easiest way for residents to respond is to complete an online declaration form using the link given in the letter.  Alternatively, a paper form will be on the back of the letter and residents should return the form to the Nottingham address shown at the bottom of the letter. The local government scanning facility based in Nottingham process documents on behalf of many local authorities across the UK.

To speak to the Council Tax team, please call 01443 863002 or email: [email protected]