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Caerphilly joins Gwent partners to launch Healthy Travel Charter

Town of Caerphilly, Wales, United Kingdom.

Caerphilly joins more than 20 leading public sector organisations across Gwent who have today (6th November), committed to the Healthy Travel Charter, a commitment which supports and encourages sustainable travel.

The charter identifies 15 ambitious commitments, to promote walking, cycling, agile working and the use of public transport and ultra-low emission vehicles.

The public sector in Gwent employs almost one in three working adults. By working together, public sector organisations across Gwent aim to increase sustainable journeys made to and from workplaces, reducing the impact on the environment and improving health in Gwent for current and future generations.

Chair of G10 and Leader of Newport City Council, Cllr Jane Mudd said, “We know that air pollution in parts of Gwent exceeds EU legal limits, increasing the risk to health and the environment we live in.  The long-term effects of air pollution include increased rates of lung disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer.  Transport is responsible for a significant proportion of air pollution particularly in urban environments and areas of high traffic and congestion, with road transport responsible for around 80% of nitrogen dioxide measured at the roadside.”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, organisations have had to implement more agile working, as well as the need for increased video-conferencing, which has significantly reduced the need for staff to travel to other sites. There is already evidence that over the last few months the air quality has improved and this charter will ensure that the changes that have already been made continue.

Caerphilly Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for sustainable travel, Cllr. Sean Morgan, said, “It is great to stand side by side with organisations across Gwent to cement our support in encouraging active and more sustainable methods of transport. It is vital that we make changes today that will create a greener and more sustainable environment for our future generations.”