
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Why you should get your boiler serviced this August

Servicing your boiler annually ensures your heating system is in good working condition throughout the winter. Of course, boilers deteriorate over time, but when kept well maintained, you should expect your boiler to last between 10-15 years

Whilst you can perform boilers checks by yourself from time to time, the annual service should be performed by a qualified Gas Safe engineer.

The best time to service your boiler in the UK is during the summer months. Its better to guarantee your heating system will be ready and in working order before the cold winter months arrive. 

Something else to consider. If you fail to service your boiler regularly, your insurance company may refuse to pay the compensation for repairing the unit.

Thousands of homeowners that take out central heating cover and are left without central heating for months whilst the insurance company decides how much they should pay.

Rather than risk being left in the cold this winter, the smart solution is to get your boiler serviced this August. There are also several other advantages.

Its more cost-effective

Servicing your boiler during the summer is not as expensive as it would be in the winter. If your boiler breaks down when the weather is cold you will want to seek emergency boiler cover – which come with a premium price.

Some companies lower the cost of standard annual service during the summer. Which? Magazine also recommends reducing the cost of your boiler service by turning your boiler on for two or three minutes throughout the summer to prevent the valves from tightening up. Every fortnight will suffice. 

Its more convenient 

A natural human habit is to wait until we need something before, we address it. In most instances, this philosophy makes sense. But it doesn’t for a boiler. Most people wait until autumn or winter to get their boiler serviced – which can lead to two problems. 

Firstly, Gas Safe engineers are overloaded with work and may not have a booking for weeks or months. If your boiler malfunctions in that time, youre left paying for emergency repair.

The number of open spaces is also limited. This means you have to work to the schedule of the gas company and not yours. The sensible strategy is to get your boiler serviced when you’re not using it so you have more freedom to choose a date and a time that is more convenient for you.

Problems can be identified early

The purpose of a service is to ensure your boiler is in good working condition. Potential problems will be identified. Servicing your boiler in the summer gives you plenty of time to get the repairs, or replacement, organised before the cold months kick in. 

You should bear in mind that a Gas Safe engineer may not be able to repair your boiler on the day of your service. They may not have the right part with them, or they may not be qualified to carry out the repair work themselves. 

If this is the case, you are back to square one; paying premium rates for emergency work or being left without central heating when it’s freezing. 

With the cold winter months fast approaching, youre running out of time to service your boiler. Make sure you get it organised this August.