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Work to begin on new business park in Powys

Credit: Powys Council

Plans for the new business park in north Powys will shortly come to fruition, with work beginning on site from next week, Powys County Council have confirmed.

Local Powys company, SWG Construction, have been appointed to develop the units at the new Abermule Business Park, with construction due to start from 25 October 2021.

Once complete, the new business park will provide flexible options for start-up businesses and local companies, with an excellent opportunity to boost economic development in the area and improve local employment prospects.

“Seeing the plans for the Abermule Business Park come to life is excellent. As part of our Vision 2025, we want to create a vibrant economy and this high-quality development will positively contribute to the economy of Powys,” explains Cllr Phyl Davies, Cabinet Member for Property.

“The business park will also contribute towards the Welsh Government’s Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, which states that ‘a prosperous Wales’ will be achieved, in part, through an innovative, productive and low carbon society with an economy which generates wealth and provides employment opportunities.”

Having been earmarked for industrial development within the Local Development Plan, for over 20 years, the site is specifically allocated for small and medium sized employment opportunities and will capitalise on the county’s main road and transport infrastructure.

In particular, the park will encourage business owners and employees to engage in healthy lifestyles choices by accessing the site via active travel or public transport.

The site will also contribute towards the council’s climate change resilience through the use of renewable and low carbon energy sources whilst also building on and increasing the native species planting of the adjacent North Powys Bulking Facility across the whole site.

Jacqui Gough, of SWG Group, said: “This is our biggest project to date and we’re very pleased to be able to help create this much-needed facility in the area.

“Powys County Council recognised the need for this and has been working with us to get the project up and running since we were appointed.

“Our team is very much looking forward to making a huge difference to this area and playing our part in creating jobs.”

The nine units will be available for rent from the council, who will manage the site once the development is complete.