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New walking and cycling route reclaims old fly tipping hotspot

Swansea Council has transformed a hillside in the city, into an exciting and picturesque walking and cycling route.

The site, known locally as the Ravine, in the Townhill community, has been reclaimed by the new route which was funded through the Welsh Government’s Active Travel initiative.

Surrounded by trees and green landscape, the 1.4km shared use route zig zags down a steep embankment, linking Gors Avenue to Gwent Road.

Walkers and cyclists of all ages can now easily travel between both roads avoiding main roads and also enjoying the views across the city while they travel.

Andrew Stevens, Cabinet Member for Environment & Infrastructure, said: “This route is one of the more challenging that we have created. Our aim was to link up two sections of the community that are at very different levels in height.

“It’s a steep location and so we have created a zig zag style path which can now be used by everyone.

“In years gone by, the Ravine has been a hot spot for fly tipping. Hopefully, now we have opened it up and reclaimed the site, we will see less of this type of behaviour.”

The Ravine is one of a number of walking and cycling routes completed in recent months.

A new section of active travel route has been created along Jersey Road in Bonymaen, providing an essential link to nearby walking and cycling routes, making it easier for children to walk and cycle to school.

A further route has been created in Morriston, running alongside the River Tawe.

Earlier this year, the Council successfully bid for more than £7 million for more walking and cycling routes. This will include a much needed 2.4km route across Clyne common, linking up the Bishopston community with a new route along Mayals Road and on to the seafront.

Cllr Stevens, added: “Once again, Swansea has been successful in securing important funding that we want to invest in our transport network in the city.

“We have been working extremely hard for a number of years, creating new walking and cycling routes that give residents and visitors alternative ways to get around without needing to use a car.

“In the long term, our aim is to have a fully linked up network of walking and cycling routes across Swansea so that every community benefits from more sustainable methods of getting around.”