
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

The Best Ways That You Can Give Your Home A Makeover Instead Of Moving

It would be a massive understatement to say that the property market has been a little tricky over the last few years. We have seen massive inflation in housing prices, and now people are extremely gun-shy about committing to buying a new home despite prices falling. With the rising cost of living, there are a lot of people out there who were thinking about moving out of their current house who are now reconsidering. It can be tough to make a choice like that but staying put is not entirely without its benefits.

If you have been thinking about moving somewhere new because you feel like you need a change of scenery, why not think about putting the budget you have been setting aside for a new home into giving your current property a makeover? There are so many different ways that you can give your home an entirely new look and entirely new feel. Some may require a lot of work and planning, while others are a lot simpler. Here are just a few of the best ways that you can give your home a makeover.

What Do You See When You Arrive Home?

If you feel like you are done with your current home, you will not feel particularly inspired when you pull into the driveway at the end of a busy day. It is worth remembering that the exterior of a property has a major impact on how we perceive it, so why not start by giving the front of the house a new look? Could the front door and window fittings do with a fresh coat of paint in a new colour? Would a light above the door help you feel like you are coming home? Hanging baskets are a great way to add a personal lively touch, and do not neglect the front garden. You may be surprised by how much personality you can give it.

Rethink Your Flooring

When you have lived in the same place for a long time, your flooring comes in for a lot of wear and tear. If you have children or pets, you know that you will constantly be cleaning the floors, and there will be scuff marks and coffee stains that have somehow become part of the woodwork or carpeting, no matter how much you clean. That means that changing your flooring situation is one of the best ways to make your home feel a lot fresher. The perfect carpet can make a room feel truly complete, bringing a layer of style and warmth that every home should have. Finding the right carpets can be a bit of a tricky proposition, however, but you can find a range of carpets and help pick the perfect options for you at Designer Carpet. With a wealth of different colours and materials and style guides for every room, they can also help to find affordable prices.

Stop Putting Off Getting Your Kitchen Done

Every homeowner will tell you that at one point or another they have had “get the kitchen redone” on their to-do list. However, it is one of those projects that people keep putting off because it can be expensive and time-consuming. It can be particularly tough to commit to during the winter when all you want to do is be as close to the kettle as possible! However, finally getting around to a major project like this is one of the best ways to make your home feel new again. Is your oven ready for a replacement so that you can cook things how you want them, instead getting them as close to done as possible? Have you been meaning to put a new sink in, or to install some marble surfacing on your counters? Has a kitchen island been on your “want but don’t need” list for years now? Start making those changes that would make you happier.

Your Garden Is A Blank Slate

One of the best ways that you can make your home feel fresh, new, and invigorated is by getting out into the garden and getting to work. A lot of people find that gardening really helps with their mental health, and one of the main reasons for this is that you can nurture and grow so many different things. It is a place of peace, where you can watch things change through the seasons. If you have never tried out your green fingers before, find out what sort of things you could planting at this time of year. Are you more interested in creating beautiful flower beds, or would you like to try growing vegetables and herbs? If you are not crazy about the idea of gardening, there is still so much that you can do. You can install a deck to have friends and family over, you can build a new garden shed that can double as a little getaway, or you could try installing new features.

Rethink Your Rooms

When you first move into a new house, there is always the temptation to stick with the general layout that the previous owner went with. Rooms tend to stay with their current roles unless you make big changes early on. If you feel like your home could use a bit of a rethink, do not be afraid to switch things up. Could your living room be better placed elsewhere? Are you getting enough light in your dining room, or should you think about moving it to a different side of the house. And when it comes to your spare room, it may be time to give it some definition. A lot of people are working from home at least some of the time, so think about setting up a proper home office instead of working from whichever room is most convenient that day. If you are back at the office, could that spare room be an entertainment centre, or a proper guest bedroom?