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Wind2 makes compassionate donation to cost of living crisis appeal

Sarah Smith (left) Managing Director at Wind2, Mold, with Ruth James, North Wales board member for Community Foundation Wales

A fund supporting Welsh communities with the spiralling cost of living has received a donation from a Mold-based specialist onshore wind and solar energy developer.

Wind2 contributed £10,000 towards the ‘Our Communities Together’ appeal, a collaboration between Community Foundation Wales and media company Newsquest.

The appeal will lead to the launch of a grant programme, where organisations who need it the most, can apply for funding up to £1,000.

Donations could support a range of initiatives including keeping community venues open and warm to support the most vulnerable people as well as providing access to IT services for job hunting or remote working.

Other services which could benefit from the funding and help minimise the effects of the cost of living crisis include, one-to-one financial advice on budgeting and food shopping, to classes for families on healthy cooking.

A survey by Public Health Wales found 68 per cent of people are worried about the ability to heat their home, with 60 per cent reporting that concerns around the cost of living is reducing their quality of life.

As a company with firm roots in North Wales and team members living locally to the Flintshire office, these statistics struck a chord with Wind2 – compelling it to show its support.

Sarah Smith, Managing Director at Wind2, said: “We contributed to the Community Foundation Wales appeal because we know the donation will be in safe hands as the organisation is experienced in identifying where the money is most needed.

“Whether our contribution goes towards keeping community venues open or giving families advice on budgeting, the cost of living crisis is a very real issue in Wales and we want to help in any way we can.

“It certainly encourages you to pause for thought when you know families are faced with choosing between heating or eating.

“That’s why these projects funded by Community Foundation Wales are so important, ensuring individuals and families don’t feel alone.

“We hope that our donation can have a positive impact on the lives of those who need it the most across Welsh communities.”

Richard Williams, chief executive at Community Foundation Wales, said:

“We are so grateful to Wind2 for their generous donation to Our Communities Together – a cost of living crisis appeal.

“The grassroots groups and charities we support are struggling to meet rising costs which puts them at risk of being unable to deliver vital services to their local communities, at a time when demand is ever increasing.

“With the support of organisations like Wind2, together we can make a big difference to the many people struggling through the cost-of-living crisis, ensuring that the organisations supporting those most in need can keep doing so now, and in the difficult months to come.”

Community Foundation Wales and Newsquest will announce when the appeal has reached completion in due course, as well as the launch of the grant programme.