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How to Recognize and Manage the 7 Common Epilepsy Trigger

Epilipsy is a neurological condition of the brain that  results in frequent seizures.

Over 3 million individuals in the United States are thought to be affected by epilepsy,  affecting aan estimated 50 million people globally.  Although epilepsy triggers might differ from person to person, they all share some possible triggers.

You can better detect and control your seizures by knowing their ten most frequent triggers. Here are the top seven causes of epilepsy and how to prevent them:


Your environment significantly influences your seizure control. Be mindful of your surroundings while you are out and about. A seizure may be triggered by loud noises, potent odors, flashing lights, changes in temperature or humidity, and other environmental stimuli.

Planning and taking preventative actions, such as using earplugs in noisy places or avoiding specific foods that can cause a seizure, are crucial to reducing the risk of these possible triggers.

You can also help to manage your environmental triggers by avoiding certain stressors, such as large crowds or unfamiliar places. If unplanned trips or outings are unavoidable, take medication like Gabapentin to control potential triggers.

A common gabapentin pill cost: $0.27. But before taking any medication, it’s always best to consult your doctor.


Diet can have a big impact on how epilepsy is managed. Maintaining a balanced diet and avoiding foods that could trigger seizures, including MSG or caffeine, is critical as they might contain these substances.

People with epilepsy may regularly experience seizures as a result of dehydration. Therefore, it’s critical to drink enough water throughout the day. Not least, among other things, alcohol can also be a significant seizure trigger.

Alcohol can lower your seizure threshold and increase your susceptibility to seizures, even though drinking may appear innocuous. If you decide to drink, it’s advisable to steer clear of light or moderate drinking and speak with a doctor first.

Manage Stress Levels

No one controls their surroundings, yet stress levels can be managed. Since stress may be a primary cause of seizures, taking action to lower and manage your stress levels is crucial. This can entail engaging in relaxation exercises like yoga or meditation, including exercise in your daily routine, or just taking a break.

Additionally, avoid unhealthful stimuli, including toxic relationships and high-stress work settings. If you find it challenging to handle the demands of daily life, you could even consider counseling. Taking steps to control your stress can significantly lower your chance of seizure.

Sleep Schedule

To effectively manage epilepsy, a regular sleep routine must be maintained. Your body may become exhausted from lack of sleep, resulting in seizures. To ensure you get adequate sleep and maintain a regular nighttime pattern, aim for 7-9 hours each night.

It’s also best to avoid napping throughout the day because it could disrupt your sleep pattern and make you weary. A daytime nap should also be avoided because it could interfere with your sleep and exhaust you.

Avoid distracting activities like TV watching or gadget use before night, and keep your bedroom dark. The chance of experiencing seizures can decrease by creating a tranquil atmosphere that encourages better sleep.


Exercise is sometimes disregarded as a risk factor for epilepsy, although it might be equally as crucial as nutrition and stress reduction.

It’s a fantastic idea to include some physical exercise in your day to lower your risk of seizures. Your body may generate endorphins through basic exercises like stretching or walking, which can help you relax and better manage possible triggers.

Exercise regularly can enhance your overall health and wellbeing. It’s worthwhile to try because studies have shown that those who exercise often experience fewer seizures. Remember to drink enough water because dehydration can be a crucial epilepsy trigger.

Illness Or Infection

A compromised immune system might increase your risk of developing a seizure. Make sure you have the recommended immunizations so your body can defend against any potential diseases.

For instance, the sickness might be caused by an underlying illness, which could lead to seizures. Thus, it’s crucial to uphold healthy habits like frequent hand washing and a balanced diet if you want your body to remain resilient and fend off ailments. In addition, if you feel sick, get lots of rest and seek medical help if required.

Head Injury

You know how serious it may be if you’ve ever had a head injury. But did you also know it might make you more susceptible to seizures? Even mild head injuries can trigger a seizure. Hence, taking extra precautions is essential when engaging in activities with an increased chance of head trauma, such as contact sports or outdoor activities.

Always wear the proper safety gear and take extra caution to avoid head injuries. Suppose you experience any type of head trauma, even a minor one. In that case, seeking medical attention immediately is essential as this can help reduce your seizure risk.

Final Thoughts

Taking the proper steps to manage your epilepsy can help reduce the seizure risk and improve overall health. Diet, stress levels, sleep schedule, exercise, and illness or infection are all essential factors to consider when managing epilepsy.

Also, be aware of any head injuries that could increase the chances of having a seizure. You can reduce the seizure risk and live your best life by staying mindful and following the tips outlined above.