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Three Effective Tips on How to Cure Interstitial Cystitis

Millions of people worldwide search for phrases like “how I cured my interstitial cystitis” or “interstitial cystitis pain relief” to feel better. It can be tough to manage life with this condition, but there is a lot that you change by making better choices in life.

Although the exact reason for interstitial cystitis is unclear, it is indicated by damage to the bladder lining and surrounding nerves. As a result, you may face difficulty peeing, and the flares can recur more over time.

Many experts agree that interstitial cystitis can be flared by stress. It may not be the direct cause of interstitial cystitis, but it can play an important role in progressing the situation and adding more discomfort to your life.

Here are some effective tips that can help anyone with interstitial cystitis.

Take Hot Baths

Health is one of the most wonderful gifts in life. One cannot appreciate this gift enough unless it gets affected or taken away. Interstitial cystitis is one of the conditions that can cause you a lot of physical and mental agony.

One of the best ways to avoid pain is by taking warm baths. A warm bath can help relax your pelvic muscles and ease the pain in the pelvic floor. In addition, your shoulders can also ease up, and you can feel the stress leaving your body.

If you have allergies or irritated skin, make sure that you avoid irritating products. This way, you can save yourself from prolonged vaginal irritation. 

Get More Exercise

Whether you are living with a certain medical condition or are in the best of health, it is never a bad idea to get moving. Exercise is also a great way of battling interstitial cystitis, especially when it can be flared by stress.

Exercise can help your body release relaxing endorphins that can help you in coping with pain. It is best to focus on exercises that can stretch out pelvic muscles, such as Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi. It is best to make sure that you do not go too hard on yourself and risk any additional injuries.

Start Meditation

Millions of people worldwide practice mindful meditation every day before starting their day. It can help them feel relaxed and focused throughout the day. Of course, people living with interstitial cystitis can also benefit from meditation by cutting down on stress.

It is best to start with 5-10 minutes of mindful meditation as a beginner. You will feel a notable difference in the pain symptoms of interstitial cystitis.

Take a Break

Life can get overwhelming sometimes. Everyone needs a break from time to time. It is best to break the monotony of life, take a deep breath and break the monotony of life. You can go for a vacation, hang out with friends, or spend time with your family.

Taking breaks occasionally ensures that you do not get overwhelmed and keep stress in check. This way, you can also boost your productivity.