
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Swansea based organised crime gang jailed for 25 years

After four years and two trials, five men have been jailed after running a highly organised class A drug operation.

It began in April 2020 when police officers stopped Sameh Mohamed, 24, in Swansea following reports of drug dealing in the area.

When he was searched drugs were recovered and he was arrested. A further search of his home resulted in Sulieman Miskry, 30, being found there along with cash, cannabis, ketamine, cocaine, mobile phones and paraphernalia associated with drug supply.

Both men were posing as students at Swansea University and were supplying drugs to the student population in the city. Unbeknown to officers at the time, they were brothers and were from London.

In April 2021 both Miskry and Mohammed appeared at Swansea Crown Court for trial.

However, the trial was stopped by the judge after Miskry presented new evidence for his alibi. This included flight receipts and other proof that he was not in the country at the time of the offences.

Both men were subsequently bailed, and a retrial arranged.

In September 2021 a substantial amount of drugs were recovered from student accommodation in the Uplands area of the city.

Miskry and Mohammed were residing in the property directly next door to where the drugs were recovered, implicating them in drug supply. Phones recovered from provided further evidence of a significant and organised county lines operation. Misky and Mohammed were arrested and charged for a second time.

Thorough interrogation of Miskry’s phone recovered PDF images relating to the alibi evidence used in the first trial. It appeared that PDF documents had been digitally altered by Miskry to provide false alibi evidence. He was subsequently arrested on suspicion of perverting the course of justice and charged.

Christopher Marston, 22, Adrian Edokpolar 21, and Christopher John, 23 were also arrested as a result of evidence linking them to the organised drug supply.

Four of the men pleaded guilty, while Miskry entered a not guilty plea.

Following a four-week trial he was convicted of all 24 charges.

On Friday January 12, 2024 all defendants were sentenced to a total of 25 years, seven months in prison.

  • Sulieman Miskry, 30, from London: 13 years’ custody
  • Sameh Mohamed, 24, from London: four years, 11 months
  • Chris Marston, 22, from Swansea: three years, one month
  • Adrian Edokpolar, 21, from London: two years, five months
  • Christopher John, 23, from Swansea: two years, two months

Detective Inspector Marc Gardner said:

“This was a complex and protracted investigation conducted by the Swansea Organised Crime Team.

“It involved countless lines of enquiry and was expertly conducted by DC Andrew Henderson. The team’s relentless and determined investigative approach to this case resulted in exceptional results.”