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Cardiff’s Tyler Grange accredited as Living Wage Employer

Environmental consultancy officially recognised for paying staff a wage based on the cost-of-living

Tyler Grange team

Cardiff-based B Corp four-day week environmental consultancy Tyler Grange has received Living Wage Employer accreditation from the Living Wage Foundation.

Tyler Grange Cardiff has significantly increased employee salaries during recent years, to support staff during challenging times. This accreditation now officially recognises that all 80+ Tribe members are paid a fair and real Living Wage.

The real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate based on the cost of living and is introduced voluntarily by employers. Tyler Grange is now just one of just 14,000 UK businesses – from a total of 5.6million – that believes its employees deserve a wage that meets their everyday needs.

To establish the real Living Wage, the Living Wage Foundation independently calculates a minimum rate of pay in line with the cost of living – setting a fair benchmark for employers that’s at a higher rate than the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage. It’s calculated independently on an annual basis and is based on the best available living standards in the UK.

Under the real Living Wage rate, a full-time worker earns over £3,000 more, each year, than someone earning the National Living Wage of £11.44. In London, this increases to more than £5,000.

Tyler Grange Jon Berry

Tyler Grange’s managing director, Jon Berry, said: “It’s our responsibility to support all aspects of our employees’ wellbeing – financial is one of them, so that they feel confident talking about money and asking for help when it’s needed. It’s especially important as cost-of-living pressures continue to be felt and with the accumulated debts that many people bring to their first jobs. We’re tackling the issue head-on.

“We’ve long supported our employees’ financial wellbeing and we’re happy that this has been formally recognised by us receiving Living Wage Employer accreditation. It’s absolutely the right thing to do for our brilliant and talented employees who are our greatest asset as a business. Aligned with our values, we’re also fully transparent about pay and associated benefits.”

Tyler Grange joins other Living Wage accredited employers including Oxfam; Vodafone; Ikea; Lush; Aviva; KPMG; The Open University and Richer Sounds.

Tyler Grange is a member of the Better Business Network and supports the Better Business Act – both of which promote a cleaner, greener, fairer future for all. It has seven UK offices located in Cardiff, as well as Bristol, Birmingham, London, Manchester, Exeter and Cirencester, in the Cotswolds and has just been recognised as one of The Sunday Times Best Places to Work 2024.