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Behind the Scenes: Rubbish Clearance at Summer Festivals

Summer festivals create a heaven of entertainment with unlimited food choices, concerts, and other social events to eliminate the effects of the melting heat and boredom during the summer holidays. However, summer festivals are the source of something devastating: the production of vast waste products that usually end up in dumpsters and become a constant source of atmospheric pollution. Suppose you are one of the organizers of the summer festival in your community. In that case, this blog post is for you as it includes efficient tips for maintaining a clean space during and after substantial community events.

Strategies for Summer Festival Rubbish Clearance

The summer festival management usually hires top-rated rubbish removal companies like remytakestherubbish.co.uk to manage the post-festival cleanups. However, adopting the following waste management strategies during the event is crucial to reduce waste production and create a clean place to enjoy.

  • Craft a Waste Management Plan

The waste management plan is a crucial part of festival planning and directs an effective strategy to control waste production during the event. This plan is a documented detail about the potential waste that is produced during such events, responsible representatives for waste management, and even the bins’ location plan to make them accessible to the attendees of the festival. 

Moreover, the details in the festival waste management plans are also influenced by experience with the same volume of events, whether yours or someone previously in charge of the same or similar festival. 

  • Figure Out the Expected Waste Kinds

In the next step, you will determine what kind of waste is expected to be produced during your summer festival. Start by talking to the vendors, especially decorations and food stalls, to enquire about the items they will use while providing their services. Please encourage them to switch to eco-friendly substitutes. 

For instance, paper straws and cups are the best alternatives to non-biodegradable plastic ones. Moreover, providing unique discounts on reusable utensils at food stalls can be a great temptation to attract people and reduce waste generation. If you know what kind of waste to expect at the festival, you can make the necessary pre-arrangements to manage it efficiently.

  • Train your Staff

Once you know what kind of waste is expected to be produced at your summer festival, you have to train your staff about structured waste management strategies to sort the waste according to their type and manage it in a proposed manner.

Training your staff is crucial, as they are your representatives at the event. They will guide the people about the color-coding and function of each waste basket. Moreover, the trained staff will ensure that all the vendors and attendants abide by your eco-friendly strategies and maintain the decorum of your event. 

  • Establish Visible Waste Stations

Waste production during this event is inevitable as it will be produced in various forms. The second thing you can do is manage it efficiently by setting up the waste stations at a reasonable distance so people can quickly and effectively get rid of garbage in their hands instead of throwing it anywhere on the ground. 

The bins should be color-coded and properly labeled with the things that go in to sort the items so they can be dropped off at the recycling facilities after the event. Ensure that the waste stations are close to each other so people do not have to move a lot during waste disposal and stay encouraged for the efficient disposal of their waste. 

  • Educate the Community

Training the staff and making arrangements for effective waste management is insufficient. Such initiatives are only successful if the community is willing to participate and mark a change. Hence, it would help if you raised awareness about the waste management needs in the community, too, to grab the interest of potential attendants and bring about a significant change.

When promoting the summer festival in the community by handing out brochures and pamphlets or setting up banners, remember to include a few catchy lines to encourage people to watch out for their waste-generation behavior and save the earth. 

Final Words

Summer festivals are a fun package of entertainment that kills boredom during the long summer holidays. Still, the waste created during such events is detrimental to the air quality of our beloved earth. Implement the above strategies at your upcoming community event to reduce waste production significantly. If you need professional assistance, visit website to hire experts.