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Bridgend businesses come together to support new employment programme

A new supported employment programme from Bridgend County Borough and delivered by Whitehead Ross Education has seen businesses from across the region come together in a collaborative effort to help boost employment across the county.

Quickstart is a 22-week paid work placement funded by the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund aimed at supporting local people aged 16+ who are unemployed. The programme, being delivered by Whitehead Ross Education, is designed to help local people gain valuable experience, enhance their employability skills and increase their chances of securing permanent employment.

The programme will support up to 100 participants over the next six months. With each participant being paid for 25 hours per week, and all individuals receiving the relevant national minimum wage for their age group.

Councillor Jane Gebbie, Deputy leader and Cabinet Member for Social Services, Health and Wellbeing, who attended the launch said “This initiative will offer much-needed support to people who want to gain valuable experience and develop new skills designed to help them find full-time work.

“The Quickstart Bridgend service will complement both the council’s existing Employability Bridgend programme, which provides a range of employment and training support to residents across the county borough, and our ongoing work alongside partners such as the Department for Work and Pensions.

“In line with our Economic Strategy and Wellbeing Assessment, the programme will also support local businesses while helping people to meet their full potential, and I am delighted to see it being launched here in Bridgend County Borough.”

Ian Ross, CEO of Whitehead-Ross Education, said: “We are delighted to be delivering the Quickstart programme to help reduce levels of economic inactivity by providing intensive employment support for people furthest from the labour market. The programme also provides opportunities for local businesses to create jobs and boost community cohesion, through investments that build on existing industries and institutions.”

Employers from across Bridgend County Borough have joined forces to support this programme in a collaborative effort to boost employment across the county. All the employers will be able to interview applicants using their usual processes before appointing those deemed most suitable for the role.

As part of the work placements, participants will also be able to gain new qualifications by accessing accredited training opportunities.