
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Tips for a safe and happy Halloween

Credit: Age UK / Cymru

Halloween can be great fun, especially for children out and about trick or treating in their costumes. However, for some people it can be a worry especially if they’re home alone and concerned about callers after dark.    

No one should feel scared or anxious in their own homes, so Age Cymru has come up with some handy tips that enable people to continue enjoying the Halloween celebrations.  

If you’re concerned about staying safe, invite a friend or relative around so you can spend the evening together.  And remember to put the door chain on and check who’s calling before opening the door, taking particular care if there’s more than one person on your doorstep.  

Only open the door if you feel safe to do so. If you’re in any doubt, it’s fine not to answer the door.  

If you’re out trick or treating remember that some people may not want to be disturbed. A good rule is to look for a pumpkin or other decoration outside the house as a sign that the occupiers are happy to receive trick or treaters. 
Please be mindful of making lots of noise late at night, and don’t persistently knock on someone’s doorbell or return to their home later. If they don’t answer, it’s best to move on. 

Halloween celebrations can also provide wonderful opportunities for older people to engage with their local community and help reduce some of the loneliness and isolation that so many experience during the winter months. So, if you’re hosting a celebration why not invite your older neighbours along?