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A detailed guide to blockchain-based games

The disruption of traditional gaming companies and financial institutions is increasing as they cling to their monopoly on the gaming sector. This site Bitcoin Profit is a completely automated cryptocurrency trading platform offering the best features like liquidity, trading tools, and customer support. However, blockchain technology has a lot of potentials, and many blockchain games have emerged. In other words, blockchain games do not require a server or a centralized platform to validate transactions and enable players to interact with each other.

The impact of blockchain games on the value chain industry can be profound for both traditional companies and new entrants such as GameFi. Many traditional companies are excited about blockchain technologies because it eliminates intermediaries who generally have substantial cost advantages over their startups.

Blockchain technology is revolutionary, and GameFi’s approach is unique. Blockchain technology can transform the entertainment industry and create a significant impact on the industry. The most widespread application of blockchain technology in gaming would be the implementation of smart contracts and payment methods. GameFi has already started this implementation by launching its platform. Here we discuss three fundamental concepts you need to know to understand how blockchain games are changing the landscape of online games.

Play-to-earn model (P2E)

P2E means a player can earn extra rewards without spending resources or paying a cent to the platform. P2E is an attractive gaming mode for gamers and significantly reduces traditional games’ costs. Unlike other types of games where players purchase convenience, P2E allows them to earn money without spending any money. It is like buying stocks and making dividends just by playing. In this case, the user has to do nothing more than play.

How Does GameFi Work?

 The users can earn rewards by playing games, actively trading the tokens between players, and enabling game components to be paid for. In GameFi’s play-to-earn model, players can earn content and items through in-game activities and gameplay. In addition, these rewards can be exchanged by people outside the game with other players.

So what makes games different from other blockchain projects is that it has a platform that allows users to trade rewards and exchange real money for in-game credits. GameFi trade platform allows gamers to exchange their in-game rewards for cash. This revolutionary model will ensure that players can benefit from their gaming efforts and make a living. GameFi has already started its implementation by launching its Ethereum-based token on the blockchain.

It is a revolutionary gaming mode that allows gamers to earn rewards without spending money on the platform itself. As mentioned earlier, P2E has three main components: To be eligible for mining benefits, users must play at least two hours within the game framework. Then, users can earn tokens according to the number of hours they have played.

GameFi platform has a highly reliable encryption system to protect their tokens and ensure their value is not compromised. In addition to providing security, it also supports a decentralized token exchange process. As a result, GameFi coins can be exchanged by people without third-party involvement, which means that transactions are fast and secure.

The game uses its token as the primary source of a transaction within its platform. In addition, GameFi’s tokens are ERC20 compatible and will exchange in-game credits for real money outside the play-to-earn concept (P2E).

Digital asset ownership

Game objects and in-game actions have an actual monetary value. In other words, a player who owns an ERC721 token has exclusive ownership. As a result, GameFi’s platform allows for the monetization of any in-game object and, therefore, a vast range of possibilities in terms of what to sell, where, and how. The benefit is that all transactions are recorded on the blockchain, and users can easily use GameFi’s open API to manage their assets.

Open API

GameFi’s Ethereum token precisely defines ownership over objects, which means that any object created within a game is tokenized. Developers will find this feature extremely easy to use with its Open API. In addition, the Open API will support all major programming languages, so developers can code in any language they want. In other words, GameFi has made creating new content straightforward.

Why are Blockchain games so hyped up?

In the past, game companies have deliberately limited the amount of available in-game content to create a high demand for the products. In addition, they sell their range to players at a high price. In some cases, players were even forced to pay subscription fees.

In GameFi’s play-to-earn model, gamers can purchase in-game objects with fiat currency or tokenized money. Game developers can earn money quickly via referral programs and by selling their items on the platform. In addition, developers will be able to monitor users’ progress and gain insight into how they design new games based on accurate data and player behaviour.