A key roadmap, setting out the steps to secure a bright new future for Blackwood Miners institute, has been agreed by Caerphilly Council’s Cabinet this week.
A 14-point plan will now be implemented, which outlines the key phases required to transition the popular venue to independent status from the local authority by July 2026.
The Cabinet met on Wednesday (19 March) as Trustees of Blackwood Miners Institute to consider the ambitious plan.
One of the first steps has been to appoint Awen Cultural Trust to develop a transition strategy, with various funding options and delivery models being explored for BMI. Awen Cultural Trust have been appointed due to their expertise in this field and their experience of similar transitions from public sector ownership to independent models of operation.
Cllr Jamie Pritchard, Deputy leader of Council said, “We are working hard to ensure we can secure a bright new future for this historic venue, without the need for high levels of public subsidy. This strategy not only aims to secure the financial sustainability of the venue but also focuses on creating a roadmap toward greater independence from the local authority over the next few years.”
“With the 14-point plan now formally adopted, as Cabinet, we are 100% focussed on working with the transition group to deliver on the objectives,” he added.
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