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Age Cymru volunteers commended at GAVO 2022 awards

Left to right: Janet Ellard receives the award from Trish Chalk, the Deputy Director of Planning at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Age Cymru volunteers linked to our HOPE project (Helping others participate and engage) were recently recognised for all their hard work and achievements in the Gwent area at the GAVO 2022 awards ceremony. 

The HOPE project uses volunteers to support older people and their carers in their local community to have their voices and wishes heard and to achieve their personal aspirations and goals.  They also help people with their issues or concerns and help them to resolve similar issues themselves in the future. 

Initially volunteers were trained to undertake face-to-face support with clients at home for low level advocacy issues and concerns.  However, lockdowns and hybrid working changed everything and despite many of our clients and volunteers having limited digital skills, they never waned from their desire to undertake training so they could start supporting people. 

During the second year of the project our volunteers supported nearly 100 older people in the Gwent area. 

Janet Ellard, HOPE’s Advocacy Development Officer for the Gwent area says: “We can honestly and proudly say our volunteers have been superb throughout, offering additional help and support in all aspects of their role and beyond.”