
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Being Prepared for Successful Aging – 10 Tips for Aging Well

Getting old happens to us all eventually. Thankfully, we’re also living longer and enjoying a higher quality of life than ever before. However, being able to enjoy this perk of old age requires successful aging. At the core of successful aging is a blend of physical, emotional, and mental awareness.

We are all unique individuals which means that knowing how to age successfully will differ. That being said, there are some common steps you can take if you want to stay healthy and maintain the highest level of independence possible. 

Looking for the best over-50 funeral plan is one thing you can do to put your mind at rest about the future, but there are plenty more things you can do to prepare yourself for old age. Let’s look at some of the steps you can take.

Eat a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is critical for preventing illness, good health, and energy. The best diet is one that’s low in saturated fat and includes a good selection of vegetables, fruits, oily fish, whole grains, and small amounts of lean meat and low-fat dairy. 

Keeping yourself hydrated is equally important. You can top-up with lots of water along with fruit juice, coffee, and tea. 

For those who like a tipple, try to reduce your alcohol consumption and give yourself at least two booze-free days per week. 

Look After Your Teeth

You must take good care of your teeth. Brush and floss twice a day, have regular check-ups, and if you wear dentures or have a bridge, ask your dentist to check that they fit properly. 

Taking these steps will help to prevent gum disease and plaque. Bleeding gums are a sure sign of gum disease so keep a close eye when you brush. Be aware that gum disease has been linked to strokes, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart disease.  

Keep Active

You can help stay healthy and strong with daily exercise. In addition, regular exercise lowers your risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, stroke, and cancer. 

Not only that, keeping active gives you more energy, improves your sleep, and boosts your self-esteem. 

How much exercise is enough? Official guidelines are that older adults should do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week and strengthening exercises twice a week. 

Get a Vitamin Boost

Vitamin D deficiency is common among older adults. Estimates are that around half of the population is affected by it and many don’t even know it. It has been linked to bone problems, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive impairment. 

If you want an easy way to get a vitamin D boost, get outside in the sunshine for at least 15-20 minutes every day. Good sources of vitamin D include oily fish and eggs. There’s also the option of taking a vitamin D supplement.   

Visit the Doctor

Visit your doctor regularly as there is a barrage of tests he can do for free. Available tests include cholesterol levels and blood pressure. If the readings are high, you’re at high risk of heart disease and stroke. 

If you’re over 65, you’re also entitled to a free seasonal flu jab. You might also be eligible if you’ve got a health condition that puts you at risk of more serious problems if you catch the flu. 

Other tests you should consider taking are those for your hearing and eyesight. Both these vital body functions can be affected as you age. 

Sort Out Your Sleep

As you get older, you may have trouble getting or staying asleep which could leave you feeling grumpy and tired. 

You can avoid insomnia by cutting down on daytime naps, going to bed at the same time each night, and establishing a bedtime routine. Another option is a warm drink before you go to bed, such as hot milk or chamomile tea. 

Take Care of Your Feet

Dry skin can be an issue when you get older. You can help to prevent it by applying moisturizer. Equally important is cutting your toenails straight across and wearing shoes and slippers that support your feet and fit properly. 

If you suffer from sore feet, wearing slippers can be tempting. However, you may find a pair of trainers more supportive. 

Keep in Touch

Loneliness is a common problem for old people. Keeping in touch and spending time with people can help prevent feelings of anxiety or loneliness. Skype is a very useful tool for keeping in touch with family and friends who don’t live nearby. 

Consider developing new hobbies and interests. Alternatively, think about becoming a volunteer. 

Quit Smoking

You should be aware that smoking is bad for your body and brain. It’s also linked with a range of serious diseases and health problems. 

If you’ve been unsuccessful at giving up before, now is the time to try again. Stopping smoking at any age improves your energy levels and lung capacity. It also reduces the risk of lung cancer, bronchitis, and heart disease.