
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Caerphilly asks community for feedback on flood management

Caerphilly County Borough Council wants your views on our Draft Flood Risk Management Strategy.

The council first published a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFMRS) in 2013. They are now looking to update the strategy in line with the changes to the national strategy, new legislation and guidance and lessons learnt over the past 10 years.

This feedback will help the council in drafting a revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and will consult further on the revised draft in the autumn 2023.

The strategy only deals with local flood risk which is defined in the act as being a flood risk from:

  • Surface water runoff
  • Groundwater
  • Ordinary watercourses (Main river flooding remains the responsibility of Natural Resource Wales.)

The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy gives a clear vision on how flood risk will be dealt with in Caerphilly County Borough and includes the following: –

Information on local flood risk in Caerphilly County Borough Council, highlighting where problems have already occurred and current levels of flood risk.

  • Clarification of which organisation is responsible for what in relation to the prevention and management of flooding.
  • Information on the measures that will be undertaken to reduce flood risk.
  • Clarification of how work is prioritised.
  • Measures that communities can undertake to improve flood resilience, as it is not possible to stop all flooding.

Please complete Draft Flood Risk Management Strategy survey.

A copy of the survey and supporting information is also available at your nearest Library.

Closing date for this survey is 28th July 2023.