
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Caerphilly Keys team raises over £1,450 for Motor Neurone Disease charity

Members of the team behind Caerphilly Keys, a pioneering private sector leasing scheme, joined forces recently to raise over £1,450 for the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Eight members from across the Caerphilly Keys team, including officers and landlords, took part this year’s Bryn Meadows Caerphilly 10k on Sunday 15th May.  The team selected the Motor Neurone Disease Association as its chosen charity following one of the scheme’s first landlords being recently diagnosed with the condition.

The initiative is led by the Housing Solutions team at Caerphilly County Borough Council and is the first of its kind in Wales.  Caerphilly Keys prevents homelessness by matching tenants to suitable private rental properties, then working to support both the tenant and landlord to ensure the tenancy is sustained.

Caerphilly Council staff who took part included Byron Jones, Liam Roberts, David Francis and Hannah Williams who completed the race in an impressive 40 minutes!  Caerphilly Keys landlords who took part were Craig Coombes and Tom Collins, along with Charlotte Burles Corbett and Ruth Powell who are representing Caerphilly Private Landlord Forum.

Dave Street, the Council’s Corporate Director of Social Services and Housing, said “Congratulations to everyone who took part and thanks to all of those who generously donated.  This is an incredible achievement which I’m sure will be gratefully received by the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

“Caerphilly Keys has grown from strength to strength and helped house many people who would otherwise have found themselves homeless.  Partnership working really is vital to the project’s success and the team has demonstrated through this challenge that these relationships extend much wider than simply day to day working.”

The team is still accepting donations until Monday 30th May, you can give your support by visiting www.justgiving.com/team/CaerphillyKeys10k