
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Cardiff and Vale College and Cardiff Council work together to introduce employers to their future workforce

Cardiff and Vale College has hosted a special event to bring together more than 400 young people from across the City with 30 employers.

The event, Your Cardiff. Your Career. Your Future, was launched under the banner of the Cardiff Commitment and designed to inspire, inform and raise awareness of career opportunities for young people while giving employers opportunities to engage with them.

After listening to what young people in the Capital City want in terms of careers advice, CAVC and Cardiff Council decided to join forces to offer a wide ranging event where they could engage with employers across the scale.

Some 400 school pupils from Year 9 to Year 13 and young people aged 13-18 who are not currently engaged with schools have registered to attend. They will be able to meet with representatives from 30 employers in key priority sectors including Health and Care, ICT, Financial and Professional Services, Creative, Construction, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, Life Sciences and Hospitality and Catering.

There was also representation from Careers Wales, CAVC careers advice and guidance, and local universities. The College’s Microsoft risual academy also offered a Digital Platform Registration point for people aged 16-plus where they could register and sign up for individual online profiles that would enable them to receive information on future opportunities available to them across the City.

Cardiff and Vale College Group Chief Executive Mike James said:

“When we heard that young people across Cardiff wanted to find out more about what career opportunities were open to them, the College and Cardiff Council decided the best way to help them would be introduce those young people to their potential employers.

“This close working partnership between the College and the Council not only provided excellent live opportunities for Cardiff’s young people to see what career paths are available to them right now, it was also a chance open their eyes to alternative vocations in some of the Capital City’s biggest organisations.”

Leader of Cardiff Council, Cllr Huw Thomas, said:

“Strengthening links between schools and business through the Cardiff Commitment is a major initiative for my administration, and an example of what we can achieve as a city when we come together around a common challenge.

“The response from the business community has been excellent, with over 80 employers pledging their support. Events like the one held at Cardiff and Vale College today, as well as the online careers platform we recently launched with Digital Profile, will help to strengthen these links, and build on the positive response, encouraging more and more businesses to join the Cardiff Commitment.”