
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Cardiff’s new Lord Mayor has been announced

Outgoing Lord Mayor, Former Cllr Rod McKerlich with new Lord Mayor, Cllr Graham Hinchey at the Council AGM

ouncillor Graham Hinchey has been confirmed as Cardiff’s new Lord Mayor at a meeting of the full council on Thursday.

Cllr Hinchey, 64, who will be supported by his new Deputy Mayor, Cllr Abdul Sattar, succeeds Cllr Rod McKerlich in the honorary role and has chosen Guide Dogs Cymru as this year’s charity.

“As someone who was born in Cardiff and lived in Cardiff all my life, I’m pleased, proud and honoured to have been chosen as the new Lord Mayor.

“I have no doubt that I have an exciting and memorable year ahead of me, and I relish the challenge that has been set up for me to help ensure that Wales’ capital city continues to be projected in the best possible light to all with whom I come into contact.

“I am looking forward to getting out and about in Cardiff and visiting as many areas of the city as I can throughout my year of office.”

As a former BT Regional Manager, he has lived in Heath for more than 25 years and is well-known in the local community. As well as representing the Heath ward on the council he been the longest serving cabinet member over the past 10 years, with portfolios including Strategic Planning, Corporate and Children’s Services. Cllr Hinchey is also the chair of the governors at Ton Yr Ywen Primary School and vice-chair at Birchgrove Primary School.

He has also chaired the Friends of Llwynfedw Gardens (FLG) community group since it was set up in 2013. The FLG committee, with support from members and residents, has raised thousands of pounds to transform the old pavilion in the park into a thriving community hub, holding local and charity events, including the annual Party in the Park.

But it his work as a Guide Dogs Cymru volunteer that will most inform his year as Lord Mayor. “We’ll be supporting lots of charities,” he said, “but we have strong connections with guide dogs, having fostered around 24 over the last 10 years – looking after them while they go through their training.”

Kerry Bevan, head of service for Guide Dogs Cymru, said: “We are overjoyed that Graham has named Guide Dogs as his chosen charity during his year of office. This relationship will raise awareness of Guide Dogs’ services to support those living with vision impairment in Cardiff and throughout Wales. We look forward to working with the new Lord Mayor and helping him to achieve his goal of naming a guide dog puppy.”

Alongside Graham at many official functions will be his wife Anne, now the Lady Mayoress. She is the head of Wales and West Housing, one of Wales’ largest housing associations. Together, they have three sons and a daughter.