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Community event to discuss Haverfordwest regeneration plans

Western Quayside development in Haverfordwest

The Regeneration Team at Pembrokeshire County Council are hosting a community engagement event on 19th and 20th July at Haverhub (the old Post Office building)  to gather your ideas and input on shaping the future of our town.

The engagement event is the first of a series of engagement events, ensuring that the public’s voice is heard.

For years, our county town has held a special place in the hearts of its residents.

Like many town centres, it faces challenges and this event is a key step in defining the response to ensure that Haverfordwest realises its future potential.

Local Authority plans aim to create a vibrant town centre with thriving businesses, and a lively hub for residents and visitors to enjoy.  But we can’t do it alone – your voice matters!

The community engagement event is your chance to be heard. Come along to our exhibition where we will be inviting your views on our plans to:

  • Revitalise the town centre by improving the environment and public realm;
  • Activate the riverside, attract new businesses and create a lively hub for residents and visitors;
  • Improve infrastructure: including – a new Transport Interchange, addressing the needs of pedestrians and cyclists and enhancing accessibility;
  • Create open spaces in the town centre for the community to enjoy;
  • Enhance Haverfordwest’s heritage, arts and culture offer and
  • Continue to support existing local businesses.

The Regeneration plans for Haverfordwest are already well underway. The Western Quayside building is nearing completion and  the major restaurant chain Loungers will be opening by Dec 2024 on the ground floor.

Work has commenced on a new landmark footbridge to replace the old bridge which has reached the end of its lifespan. The new bridge, which will be complete by Spring 2025, will lead residents and visitors from the Transport Interchange, across to a new public space between the library and Western Quayside, where clear signage will lead people to Bridge Street and Castle Square and then on up to the Haverfordwest Castle.

A major renovation of the castle has begun to preserve it as a key heritage attraction for future generations. The work includes an exciting new event space which is due for completion in 2026.

Cllr Paul Miller, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Place, the Region and Climate Change, said: “This is an important step in engaging with Haverfordwest residents and key stakeholders to help us to get a better understanding of what is important to them. This will help shape how we could take the redevelopment forward.

 It’s not just about bricks and mortar; it’s about building a future that reflects the needs and aspirations of everyone who calls Haverfordwest home. We want to hear your ideas, concerns and hopes for the future.

 This is an opportunity to demonstrate your interest in being part of a meaningful, regeneration programme which will change the face of Haverfordwest and pave the way for a better future for our residents, businesses and visitors.”

So come and join on either 19th or 20th July for discussion and a chance to share your vision for Haverfordwest.

Haverfordwest Regeneration engagement event:

  • 19th July 2024: 10:00am – 5pm
  • 20th July 2024:10am – 1pm
  • Haverhub, (The Old Post Office Building), Quay St, Haverfordwest, SA61 1BG.