
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Eco-Conscious Strategies to Cut Down Moving Waste

Moving processes generate tonnes of waste. From the piles of trash gathered during decluttering to the heaps of packing material, all of them mostly end up in landfills when you are done with your moving process. Eco-conscious strategies are making their way into every life process and the same goes with moving. This blog post outlines the top eco-safe strategies to be adopted during your next move to save nature from pollutants from the unethical waste discharge into the environment. Let’s get started.

Eco-friendly Tactics to Reduce Moving Waste

Professional moving companies like https://www.owenvanservices.co.uk/ have their efficient systems for moving waste management. However, if you are going for a DIY move, here are the ways to help you with the process.

  • Start With Efficient Decluttering

In the pre-move planning, you would have assessed your new place and know what could fit it. Hence, start with the decluttering process to remove all the unwanted items and reduce the bulk to move along with reducing the need for moving supplies and less carbon emission during transportation. The efficient decluttering is an effective start to eco-conscious moving but you need to ensure that the waste collected is managed appropriately.

  • Sell or Donate the Extras

When you move, you may need to downsize various items like furniture, kitchen stuff, closets, etc due to the limited storage places in your new home. However, these extras can help you to earn some more money by selling them. If you do not want to go through the chaos of the dealing process, you can also donate it to someone in need. Hence, there are many options available to save your trash from ending up in landfills. 

  • Reuse What You Own

Before you bluntly start to purchase moving supplies especially packing material, access what you have. The old boxes, bubble wrap, and paper junk from your trash can save you lots of money on moving supplies and also limit the moving waste. Check your attic or garage as you may find the original packing of various appliances and utensils with appropriate compartmentalization to fit and securely move the fragile items.

  • Buy the Crucials

You have reused your boxes and checked with your friends and family or their additional supplies, but still need more supplies. Well! Purchasing is your last resort. However, buying some high-quality packing supplies is costly but not if you choose to thrift them. Choose someone’s moving leftover and sell it again after your move. Save your money and ecosystem by reducing moving waste by repurposing items that have already been created.

  • Buy Eco-friendly

Buying second-hand moving supplies is good but after several usages eventually everything has to end up in the trash. Daily thousands of people move around and the collective number of waste is huge. Look for the eco-conscious sellers for buying your moving supplies. So, even if you have to waste it after moving, it will not be as chaotic as the traditional items soaked in poisonous chemicals. 

  • Sort Your Waste

This step is both for pre- and post-move garbage. Once you have separated the trash, sort and categorize it to move with their specialized waste management categories. Many of the items will be recyclable but at different facilities. Dropping off the trash to the designated spots is difficult when you already have to deal with setting up your new home. Click here to hire professional removers to manage it on your behalf. They will also take care of your non-recyclable items to reduce their environmental impacts.

  • Move-in Broad Daylight

Waste reduction is not limited to watching out for the garbage created during the move; it also includes reducing energy wastage. Hence, we suggest our readers move in broad daylight as professional movers do. You get enough natural light to move the stuff around your new home rather than flooding it with electronic devices wasting our already constrained natural resources. Taking such small steps is an efficient way to move towards an eco-conscious lifestyle. 

Final Words

In conclusion, waste creation during a move is inevitable but you can go for waste management strategies to minimize the carbon emissions and other destruction to our habitat. Encourage the reuse and recycling of waste items to prevent the overcrowding of landfills. Let’s get ready to take some small steps towards the eco-conscious world.