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Exciting Uses of VR in 2020

Virtual reality environments have been developing at breakneck speeds. Discover key trends shaping tech evolution in 2020. Some of these applications may surprise you!

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have been gaining popularity for the past few years. Innovations like the SLR app are all the rage. However, there are many other uses beyond entertainment.

1. Travel & Tourism

Thanks to COVID-19, international travel has been put to a halt. It is still unclear when the industry will recover. VR comes in handy as travelers can explore locations without leaving their homes.

A VR headset allows you to see a suggested location. You can explore it before buying a ticket and booking a hotel. You can also relive your holiday after it is over. Static photos are incomparable to the excitement of a virtual trip back in time.

2. Social & Collaborative

Acquisition of Oculus by Facebook a few years ago highlighted the potential for integration. First, virtual conference calls are becoming more common and collaborative. This trend has been accelerated by the lockdowns.

After 2020, office life may never be the same, as so many employers have adopted telework schemes. VR and AR provide tools for a seamless transition. For instance, employees can overlay documents and designs onto real-world objects.

3. Integration of AI

Developers now enhance VR and AR apps with machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). The most basic example is the use of Instagram’s filters. The real scope of application is much broader and spans different industries.

The end goal is the creation of so-called computer vision. This means devices can identify any object within their camera’s range. In the near future, it is projected to improve. Importantly, developments will go far beyond the video game sphere.

Consider Google’s machine learning-enabled microscope. Lately, it has become more adept at spotting cancer cells in tissues. Enhancement with VR/AR will raise the accuracy of medical technologies, spurring more complex diagnostics and treatment.

4. Educational Purposes

Schools and courses for professional development are adopting new technologies to make education more immersive and thereby more efficient. For instance, those who study construction or hazardous areas can do it remotely and safely. The accuracy of such VR environments is impressive. With AR, employees practice tasks in real-time. This improves productivity overall.

5. Consumer Entertainment

Entertainment is going to see the rapid evolvement of both technologies. This will be spurred by the latest innovations in software and hardware. As VR and AR are increasingly accessible to the general public, a boom is expected soon.

6. Addition to Vehicles

Combined with machine learning and AI, the technology can detect potential hazards on the road or landmarks worth visiting. This is achieved using cameras and a special display installed onto the dashboard.


Overall, VR and AR have influenced multiple industries. Key trends affecting both technologies today are likely to stay relevant in 2021. Most importantly, creators of content have shifted their focus to longevity. This means their products will bring lasting value.