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Family raise funds for charity that helped their premature baby

Parents from Rhos-on-Sea are fundraising to thank the neonatal unit charity Cuddles, which cared for their premature son. Finley was born last June at 29 weeks, weighing only 2 lbs and 14oz.

Finley, now 12 months old, spent the first five weeks of his life at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, before being transferred to Ysbyty Gwynedd for six weeks. His parents, Adam and Anwen Brierley, now hope to raise over £2,000 to thank the staff at Cuddles by participating in a 34-mile sponsored walk between both hospitals.

Based at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, Cuddles provides lifesaving equipment and support for families at the Special Care Baby Unit, complementing and enhancing the NHS services.

Adam said: “We can’t thank the staff at Cuddles enough. As a parent, you hope you never have to use their services, but their support has been incredible and invaluable to us. I’m so grateful that Cuddles helped our family through such a traumatic time, so we want to give back to the charity and help other families in similar situations.

Since hearing Finley’s story, Adam’s colleagues at Watkin Property Ventures were inspired to further support Cuddles by making it their chosen staff charity for 2024. Mark Watkin-Jones, Chief Executive, is proud that the organisation is supporting this good cause: “The team were eager to help the work and dedication of Cuddles, especially when hearing their support’s impact on Adam and his family. We wish Adam and his family luck during the sponsored walk.”

Angela Hannah, Senior Neonatal Nurse from the Cuddles charity is grateful for the support from the fundraiser: “Cuddles is run solely by volunteers and funded by support from the public, fundraising and donations. We are always amazed by our fantastic fundraisers and wouldn’t be where we are today without people such as Adam and his family.”

Adam says: “We’re feeling slightly nervous as it’s a long walk, we expect it to take around 12 hours, but we’re excited to see family, friends, and peers support us on the way. The team at work has been supportive and checking in, and we may get a few people joining us along the way. We are extremely grateful for all donations and support”

To read more about the sponsored walk or to donate: Adam and Anwen Brierley is fundraising for Cuddles (justgiving.com)