
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Fun and Engaging Ways to Teach Kids About Their Family Heritage

Has your child been showing an interest in their family heritage as of late? Maybe they’ve been asking about great-grandparents and where the family came from. Talking about family heritage is a great way to teach kids about history and culture, and it can be done in some fun and engaging ways. Not sure how to best teach them, here are some tips that can prove incredibly useful ensuring that the conversations stay interesting.

Create a Family Tree Together

Family trees are one of the best ways to show kids who their family members are, tracing it back through each generation. It provides them with a visual that’s easy to follow and understand, even for younger kids. But rather than attempt to draw one yourself, try using a family tree maker that makes it a simple and quick process. The kids can even help with the design and plugging in the various family members. When completed, you’ve got something you can print and enjoy discussing together.

Don’t forget, as the family continues to grow you can add the names to the tree.

Read Books About Your Cultural Heritage

Once kids start to understand different cultures, it’s a good idea to read books together that discuss your cultural heritage. It can highlight things such as traditional customs, foods, and even language. Kids are sponges, which means they are ready to learn as much as possible and will soak it all in.

If your children are old enough to read or pick books by themselves, let them choose which ones interest them. The library can offer a wealth of options, and it’s a zero-cost way to learn.

Watch Educational Programming Regarding Your Roots

And it’s not just reading, there is plenty of educational programming nowadays that you can watch. Look for travel documentaries, cooking shows, and other such documentaries that highlight the area of the country or another country that your family’s roots can be traced back to. Often seeing a television show or movie can help kids to get a better understanding of the content. It also helps to bring concepts and information to life.

Dive Into Your Family’s Cuisine

There’s no better way to learn about cultural heritage and family roots than by diving into your family’s cuisine. That could include recipes passed down through generations, or traditional recipes prepared in the area your family is from. Kids as young as toddlers can often help with food preparation which makes it an immersive experience.

You may want to set up a routine wherein you cook a traditional dish once a week, once a month, and so forth. You can also visit local restaurants that specialize in authentic cuisine from your culture.

It’s an On-Going Self-Discovery Lesson

Learning about your family heritage isn’t just a one-time lesson rather it is ongoing. It seems the more you learn, the deeper you can go. That’s exactly why ancestry tracing companies such as Ancestry.com exist. There is a real desire to learn about a person’s identity not just where they are concerned but their entire family history.