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Funding to help Swansea business raise international profile

A project aimed at increasing the international presence of a Swansea company that manufactures energy efficient heat exchange fluids has won a funding boost.

Swansea Council has awarded a Property Development Fund grant to Liquitherm Technologies Group, thanks to funding from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The Property Development Fund – which is now closed for applications – was aimed at helping businesses with the costs of constructing or expanding buildings for industrial use in Swansea to generate additional employment.

Liquitherm – who are fluid specialists for process cooling and hydronic systems – will use the funding to help accelerate development of the former BT Openreach site at Heol Y Gors.

The development will help Liquitherm expand their research and development facilities, with the intention of manufacturing a leading-edge range of heat transfer fluids incorporating nanoparticle technology. This will help create more jobs at the Heol y Gors site.

A Research and Development (R & D) Centre of Excellence is also planned to further develop Liquitherm’s advanced heat transfer products and services, which are aimed at reducing energy consumption for a wide range of industrial and domestic applications.

Cllr Robert Francis-Davies, Swansea Council’s Cabinet Member for Investment, Regeneration and Tourism, said: “Liquitherm is an established business in Swansea that would not be able to deliver their plan for growth and further employment without this funding.

“We’re delighted to help because what the company is planning will benefit local people by creating more jobs, as well as helping attract more investment to Swansea in the coming years because of the innovation and international profile their development will deliver.

“As a council, grant funding of this kind is part of our commitment to supporting as many local businesses in Swansea as possible because they’re so important to our local economy.”

Steve Hickson, Liquitherm’s founder and Chief Executive Officer, said: “We are delighted that, in conjunction with the invaluable support of Swansea Council, we have obtained this funding, which will provide approximately 35% of the £1.3m that’s required to complete phase one of the R&D Centre of Excellence project.

“Liquitherm’s R&D programs have proven intrinsic to our growth from a team of four in 1998 to 60-plus in 2024.

“We are confident that the support provided via the Property Development Fund will help ensure the development of new hi-tech products and services that are focused on reducing energy consumption, lowering operating costs and minimising CO2 emissions.

“The success of those new R&D projects will, in turn, generate more apprenticeships and long-term job opportunities for local communities.”

As well as the Heol y Gors site, Liquitherm has a base on Europa Way on the Swansea West Business Park. The company also has production facilities in the USA, Spain, Holland and Denmark.