A hedgehog has been rescued from a prickly predicament after becoming stuck down a drainpipe.
The hedgehog was found at Islawen Meadows in Pencoed on 29 August with the RSPCA being called for assistance.
RSPCA inspector Nic de Celis said: “Using a grapser and poles I was able to release this hedgehog which understandably was very stressed.
“He came out with a bloodied face and has now been taken to Gower Bird Hospital for an assessment and rehabilitation. We’re not quite sure how long he had been down the drainpipe, but must have been very frightened.
“Luckily he was spotted and we were able to rescue him and now he will be given the treatment he needs before being released back into the wild.”

A total of 373 hedgehogs were collected/rescued by the RSPCA inspectorate in Wales in 2018.
RSPCA Cymru would like to remind people to make sure any drains have the covers on or are blocked to stop wild animals like hedgehogs becoming trapped.
Nic added: “Animals like hedgehogs can easily fall into uncovered drains or holes in your garden; so we recommend covering the holes or checking them every day to ensure no animals have become trapped.”
Call the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 if you find a sick or injured hedgehog, or take it into a wildlife centre, rehabilitator or vet if you are able. Wearing suitable thick gloves, you can gently place them into a large, well ventilated box lined with towels or newspapers. Remember, the animal will need peace and quiet and you will need to keep human contact to a minimum.
For more advice on what to do if you find an injured hedgehog, please visit website.
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