
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Helpful Tips For Van Owners: How To Be Safe And Secured

Our working lives can bring many different challenges our way. They can be anything from needing to impress a potential employer to earning enough money to live. These days, many field workers and contractors have vans they need to look after. They can be used for many things, whether it’s to transport people or take equipment from place to place.

There are some precautions that you need to take when driving your van or storing it at home or work. If you practice them, you’ll be ensuring the safety and security of your work vehicle as well as your own. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to do precisely that.

Get It Insured

Always ensure what you can’t afford to replace, especially when you need it for your job. Make sure you have coverage for liability if someone is injured on or near a van owned by you or those in your care. The same thing applies if something happens while people are being transported in it. If you don’t own a van but use one at work (e.g. for driving clients around) insurance will be needed there too.

The internet is a great place to start when looking for an insurance policy. A van insurance broker can compare a wide range of different insurers and help you get the best prices. You can learn about comprehensive, third-party fire and theft or third-party insurance policies. It’s also possible to read FAQs and discover if you can ensure a van for just a day or a week. 

Have Good Security Equipment

Make sure you have a decent alarm system that features sensors on all the windows and doors. Many alarms also come with motion detectors to keep your van from being broken into. It’s wise to buy a steering wheel lock to ensure that thieves won’t be able to drive your van away. You may also wish to research security cameras that can keep an eye on your van 24/7.

An engine immobilizer is another useful van security device to consider. It stops thieves from being able to start your van by cutting off the power supply when you’re not in it. Another thing you could install is a GPS tracker to ensure you always know where your van is, whether it’s somewhere in the car park or in the hands of a criminal.

Lock The Van

Try and do this as often as possible to protect it from thieves, locking the windows, doors, and any sunroof. It may be inconvenient if you keep going in and out of someone’s property carrying materials and equipment, but the benefits outweigh the costs. When locking up a van after work or for the night, always make sure that all the windows are closed so no one can break into them by smashing through with a brick or rock.

Try and keep your cash, credit cards, phone, or expensive equipment out of sight at all times. Tinted windows will stop strangers from seeing what’s inside, as well as protecting you from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Don’t Keep Expensive Equipment In The Van Overnight

Once again, this can be an unwelcome inconvenience at the end of the day when you’re tired and want to simply sit down. You should always unload your valuable equipment and keep it secure in a garage. If it remains in the van, however, make sure it’s strongly fastened to the side, roof, or floor using locks that cannot easily be cut or broken with hand tools.

Many vans display signs saying no expensive equipment is kept inside overnight. This can be a deterrent to criminals who are on the lookout for equipment to steal. If you can park the back of your van against a wall or another car to prevent access, do so.

Maintain Your Vehicle

Your safety should always be paramount. For this reason, it’s vital that you look after your van. Regular maintenance can help you avoid issues such as breaking down on a motorway and needing to wait for a breakdown service. Make sure your battery has sufficient charge and keep the liquids topped up, e.g. your oil and brake fluid, and windscreen washer.

Regularly inspect your tire pressure and keep it at the recommended levels. Get the tread checked too, to ensure the tires will safely grip the roads in all weather conditions. Make sure that all the light bulbs work properly so drivers can see you and know when you’re turning them off. Get a full van service alongside the annual MOT and you should also make sure your spare tire is ready to use, and that you have the jack, spanners, and more should you need to change the wheel en route.

Keep An Emergency Kit

It should include such items as a torch and a set of jump leads should you be unable to get the van to start. You should also possess a first aid kit that contains items like bandages, plasters, and emergency medication. In the unfortunate event of an accident, you should also have a seat belt cutter to free those who may have become trapped.

Always keep some non-perishable food and drinks in your van in case you are stranded for a long period of time. This could occur if there were severe queues or an accident on the motorway. If you keep blankets on board this could help keep you warm. If you’re on the road with children these things become even more important. You might also want to store some games or books to help keep them occupied. If you’re really organized, you may even choose to keep a spare set of clothes on board!

As you can see, there are many ways to steward your van and its occupants. In addition: always use a seatbelt, don’t drink and drive, and always schedule rest breaks on long journeys. In return, your van will provide a dependable source of income and transport for some time to come.