
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Home Instead makes older people smile with Be A Santa scheme

Local home care company, Home Instead Cardiff, has been spreading seasonal joy and happiness with it’s annual ‘Be a Santa’ scheme.

Thanks to donations of gifts from generous folk across the area, sack loads of gifts were wrapped and delivered to worthy elderly recipients who would otherwise have nothing to open on Christmas morning, and many of whom spent their Christmas alone this year.

Special thanks go to Morrisons Barry, Morrisons Cardiff Bay and Asda Barry who supported the campaign by facilitating collections at their stores by the festively dressed Home Instead Cardiff team.

Along with chocolate, biscuits and toiletries; gifts of gloves, scarves, socks and slippers were gratefully received – ideal winter warmers for older people during times of economic hardship.

Gift bags have been made up and delivered to Age Connects Cardiff and Vale wellbeing shop where they will be distributed to elderly clients in the community who are supported by the service.

Philip Batchelor, owner of Home Instead Cardiff said: “Thank you to everyone who gave so generously and helped us to collect trolley loads of gifts. We’ve been overwhelmed by your kindness given we are all living in such difficult times.  I am proud that Home Instead Cardiff has helped to spread a smile of joy this festive season in our wonderful community.”

The response was so great from all the kind customers at Asda and Morrisons, the Home Instead team also managed to make up gift bags for all the attendees as Rondel House in Barry who run a day centre for those with dementia.

Delivering the gifts, Phillip commented: “As a home care company who specialises in dementia care, we were keen to support a service close to our own heart.”