
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

How Education Can Help To Tackle Climate Change

With regards to tackling climate change, there’s no time to waste. The sooner we adapt to what’s happening and implement ways to turn things around, the less devastation we’ll expose the planet to.

Enacting change and actually benefiting from its impact can take years, which is why sooner is always better than later. One way we can ensure we do this successfully is by utilising education.

From schools to universities to employment training, people aren’t short of learning opportunities. We take in so much information every year, a lot of which can make a difference to the planet if it’s tailored to tackling climate change.

We must use education in all stages of life to help the cause, so here are some ways to make a difference and why it’s so important.

It Tells People What They Need To Know

When it comes to why education is essential for tackling climate change, there’s one answer that stands out. Through education, people understand everything they need to know about this growing problem, from what causes it to how to fight it.

Ignorance plays a significant role in why more hasn’t been done to combat climate change. If people don’t understand the impact their actions are having or what the eventual outcome of them will be, they’re not going to do anything different. It can be hard work adjusting your way of life to be more environmentally friendly, so strong education on the subject is pivotal to people putting in the effort.

It Improves The Chances Of Gaining Employment

Whether through choice or external pressure, many businesses are changing the impact that their operations have on the planet. As they adopt greener strategies, potential employees will find themselves needing the right set of skills to help such companies flourish with their new regimes.

The skills they require might not have been necessary a decade or two ago, meaning that new graduates potentially have an advantage over current workers. That’s provided that educational facilities offer the information they need.

Many young people seek higher education to arm themselves with the knowledge and skills that will best prepare them for work. Although many businesses are increasingly valuing experience over knowledge, that doesn’t mean that such institutions can’t still help with job prospects. If programs are available that teach about working in a climate-friendly world, particularly in fields like energy, where changes will be significant, it can make a difference.

It Offers A Safeguard For The Future

Change needs to happen immediately, and the people best suited to enforcing that are adults. After all, they’re the ones who commute to work and operate potentially environmentally unfriendly machinery, as well as being in positions of power.

However, that doesn’t mean that education should solely focus on those who are already fully matured. In fact, lessons on climate change should be taught as early as possible so that children grow up understanding what’s happening from the very beginning.

Obviously, the severity of the situation and some of the complexities around it aren’t well suited to people who haven’t yet hit double digits. However, things like the importance of recycling and the small ways you can help the planet are worth educating children about at any age. That way, they grow up knowing how to help the Earth without being scared by all the doom and gloom.

In a few decades, these children will be the ones we will be dependent on to keep the climate under control. The current situation might be a lot worse by then, which is why education on the matter now is so essential.

It Shows Businesses How To Change

Compulsory education might stop when you’re a teenager, but that doesn’t mean you ever stop learning. Training is an essential part of most jobs, and sometimes it’s necessary to participate in new or refresher courses during employment.

That’s definitely an option regarding climate change, with short courses available to help businesses adapt to the new normal. Such courses examine how companies can mitigate against the risks of climate change and adopt greener strategies, showing people what more can be done to move towards zero emissions.

These courses are an excellent option for businesses looking to change, as selected employees can participate in them and then use what they’ve learned to influence the company.

Alternatively, they’re ideal for anyone hoping to boost their CV while looking for work. After all, having this in your arsenal can be beneficial if you’re planning to work for a business that’s currently lacking in climate change initiatives. With government legislation gradually putting more pressure on companies to go greener, having this knowledge can help when your employer eventually has to enact change.

It Prompts The Average Person To Make A Difference

Everyone can do their bit to help the planet. However, the most significant change comes when those in power enforce it.

If governments make it mandatory for businesses to implement certain green strategies or keep their emissions below a specific level, it should make a big difference. The problem is that many of those with the authority to inspire such a change only make an effort to do so when compelled by the public.

The reason that governments and big businesses haven’t done more to deal with climate change isn’t generally because they’re uneducated about the problem. It’s more to do with concern over what tackling the issue may do to their profit margins or how much extra effort it might involve.

Fortunately, as the general public becomes more educated about climate change, there’s been growing pressure on these powers to do something about it. Education empowers people to make a difference by protesting, drafting petitions, and teaching others about the dangers that lie ahead. As more people become informed, the likelihood of change happening increases, which can only be a good thing.

It Helps People Work Towards Solutions

There is currently no clear solution to combat climate change. Obviously, there are plenty of ways people can do their bit to help, from improving recycling to commuting less often. However, most of these changes focus on reducing waste and emissions rather than trying to reverse what’s been done.

Such an option may not be possible, with reducing our footprint potentially the only way to make a difference. However, scientists have achieved some incredible feats over the years, so there’s no denying their efforts may eventually help affect climate change in a significant way.

They wouldn’t be able to do this without education, though. They, and the scientists who follow in their footsteps, can only make a difference if they have the knowledge and understanding of how to combat the issues we’re dealing with. These people might be incredibly intelligent, but they’re constantly learning too, so education plays a continuous role in how they shape the future. That’s not something that we should ever overlook.

You can’t get far in life without some sort of education. Whether in school or training on the job, the knowledge we learn helps us understand things better and shows us how to reach certain solutions. If everyone were more educated about climate change, the current situation might not be as bad as what it is. There’s still time to turn things around, though, and education will be vital in whether or not we achieve that.