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How Swansea is helping reduce city centre crime and anti-social behaviour


Licensing policies and guidelines that help keep people safe in Swansea’s thriving night-time economy are set for a major review.

Two reports to Cabinet next week highlight how the current system has helped reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in recent years and supported measures to keep night-time revellers safe.

Now it is being asked to endorse how licensing arrangements for city centre pubs, clubs and restaurants are updated and monitored.

One report is reviewing the council’s licensing policy which is up for renewal after five years. The other report considers a cumulative impact assessment (CIA) of the city centre, which is being reviewed after three years.

The CIA can help limit the number or type of licence applications granted, where there is evidence to show that the number of licensed premises is leading to problems, such as crime and disorder in the area.

David Hopkins, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Performance, said: “The reports show how our approach to licensing is helping develop the city centre as a safe, welcoming destination for night-time visitors while also supporting jobs and the community.

“Initiatives like the Purple Flag and, more recently the use of Public Space Protection Orders, are also helping to keep people safe.

“Alongside millions of pounds of investment to upgrade the look and feel of Wind Street, Kingsway and, starting this year, Castle Square, the night-time economy of Swansea will have opportunities to continue to do well in the years ahead.”

Cllr Hopkins said the reviews are designed to ensure they continue to be fit for the job they do in providing clear guidance on how those providing alcohol, food and entertainment in the city centre go about their business.

He said: “They play a key role in supporting the council’s licensing committee, ensuring the cumulative impact of licensed premises is not detrimental to the city centre, its residents, businesses and visitors alike.”

If the reports are approved, the licensing policy and the CIA will go out to a wide-ranging consultation before further reports go to Council for a final decision, anticipated in the summer.

The CIA report includes an update that shows overall crime and anti-social behaviour in the city centre has declined by as much as 45% in some areas since the last licensing policy review in 2018.

Between 2017 and 2022, the Wind Street area saw a 39% reduction in anti-social behaviour, a 25% reduction in crime and a 33% reduction in violent crime.

In the Kingsway area, during the same period, there was a 43% reduction in recorded crime, 45% reduction in violent crime and a 31% reduction in anti-social behaviour. The High Street area has also witnessed overall reductions in crime, violent crime and anti-social behaviour.

Cllr Hopkins said: “The CIA report says South Wales Police attribute this reduction in crime and improvement in public safety to the licensing arrangements put in place in 2018 alongside the CIA’s forerunner, the Cumulative Impact Policy (CIP).

“As part of the consultation process for the policies we’ll be welcoming comment from a range of businesses and organisations on progress so far and how things can continue to improve in the years ahead.”