
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

How to make your online meetings more efficient by engaging your participants

The covid-19 pandemic changed a lot of things in our everyday lives. We have all been witnessing limitations in our lives and have been forced to step carefully to avoid getting infected with the new unfamiliar virus. However, the pandemic has not exclusively been a bad thing for our society since it has forced us to use new digital tools to live our lives. Since it was no longer possible to go to work, school classes and other institutions on a regular basis, we had to make use of digital tools such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

These tools have been here for a long time, but we never really had reasons to use them frequently. But that changed during the covid-19 pandemic. Online meetings and online classes became everyday for the most of us, which means that we were getting used to using digital tools to communicate at a whole new level. This tendency has made it more flexible to work together since time and space is no longer barrier.

The online culture has come to stay

Many would think that online meetings and other online activities would quickly be phased out when we could once again go to work normally. That have not been the case. Online meeting is a phenomenon that has come to stay. There are a lot of upsides with online meetings since we can be more flexible. Also, it is possible to make meetings even more efficient when it takes place online, since there are fewer disturbing factors. Now, it is normal to meet online even if you are within a close range, but you might save some time, that could be used elsewhere.

Online meetings will also give you the opportunity to include some graphic material at your meeting. At online meetings, everybody is looking at the same content on their screen, and this will make it possible to engage your participants even more. There are lots of methods to engage people, but in this article, we will introduce the method, remote live drawing.

Remote Live Drawing will engage your participants

Remote live drawing can be a very effective tool to engage your participants. The purpose of remote live drawing it to present the points from the meeting as visual content. The content will be produced by an illustrator during the meeting, which means that the content will be a result of every single person’s engagement. The primary focus for the illustrator is to map out the most important points from the meeting, which means that you will end up with a lot of visual content that represents the main points of the meeting.

One of the best upsides from remote live drawing is that it is easier to remember visual content for the human brain. Thereby, it will make your online meetings more efficient and more memoizable for the participants. You should never underestimate the importance of visual content at a meeting. If you are just sticking to a PowerPoint presentation with bullet points you will risk losing your participants engagement and concentration. Therefore, Remote Live Drawing might be a thing for you to consider.