
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Luxury vs. Regular Rehab

Addiction is a condition that can arise and impact people in a variety of ways. It is something that can look very different from case to case, stemming from the wide range of potential triggers, symptoms, and substances involved.

As a result, those who require treatment for addiction will often need unique and personalised methods and schedules. For some, retaining independence and living at home might be essential, but for others, escaping normality might be a priority.

Often, the choice will be between undergoing regular rehab or spending more on luxury rehab.

Each individual will want their treatment to look slightly different depending on important factors such as what substance they are abusing, what their underlying causes are, and what symptoms are arising as a result.

Therefore, it is important to look at what treatment programmes are available and compare them.

What does regular rehab look like? How does it differ from luxury rehab?

For those who are looking to begin treatment, these questions can be vital in picking the right road to recovery for them.

The fundamentals of addiction treatment – what regular rehab offers

Regular rehab commonly involves the very basic elements of what addiction treatment involves. Either provided publicly or through a private company, rehab at its simplest incorporates only the vital components required to help an individualquit their substance abuse.

1. Medical care and addiction experts

When treating addiction, the primary objective is to kick the body’s developed dependency on the substance in question. Detoxification needs to be undertaken, involving a complete stop in substance use.

This process can be both uncomfortable and dangerous, so the most basic component of rehab is the presence and attention of medical professionals. These individuals monitor an individual’s health, analyse changes in their behaviour or bodily functioning, and provide medicinal support when required.

Not only is medical knowledge essential, but these professionals must also understand both addiction and the process of recovery. Weaning the body is the prerequisite for engaging ineffective therapy, and so having individuals who can assist in this process is vital.

2. Therapeutic treatment

The second component of regular rehab is the provision of addiction-related therapy. When an individual seeks to overcome their substance abuse, a large part of that is dealing with the underlying causes of their condition.

As a result, therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) are essential. CBT looks to help an individualidentify what thoughts, feelings, and situations provoke them to use their chosen substance, and develop alternative ways of responding in future.

Building healthy routines is a large part of recovery, and therapies such as CBT can be supported by a range of additional practices, including group therapy and family therapy.

3. Safe environment

Throughout the process of detoxification and therapy, regular rehab can also provide individuals with an environment in which they are not exposed to any of the temptations or substances that have led to their addiction.

While this is not as essential as the first two components, living in a space where there are no opportunities to relapse can be the key to recovery for some individuals.

4. Relapse prevention

After detoxification has been achieved, and sufficient therapeutic progress has been made, a lot of rehab programmes involve activities that are designed to help an individual cope better once they have returned to their normal lives.

Without frequent medical attention and therapies, many individuals relapse and begin using again once their treatment within rehab has ended. As a result, it is common for individuals to receive preparation before leaving rehab, as well as ongoing support in the months and years following.

This can involve an individual receiving education as to how their addiction will likely become more difficult to deal with when they have returned to their everyday life, as well as them participating in regular support groups and counsellingsessions.

5. The additional aspects of luxury rehab

While the components described above are provided by a range of rehab programmes, luxury rehab offers them and more. Like regular rehab, they focus on detoxification, therapy, and lost-lasting change, but they do so with a particular emphasis on quality and comfort.

6. Peaceful surroundings

In addition to the fundamental components of rehab, luxury centres often offer an isolated and comfortable location for individuals to undergo treatment.

They go through detoxification and therapy just the same but do so in a serene, peaceful, and relaxing place. This may be within a luscious forest, atop a picturesque mountain, or beside the lapping ocean.

Not only does this provide the benefit of complete separation from the triggers of their addiction, but it also allows peopleto completely dedicate to their treatment. With nothing to worry about, they are not distracted. They are fed, looked after, and given the space and energy to put everything they have into beating their addiction.

7. A wider range of activities and treatments

At its core, addiction treatment involves an individual regaining their independence. But this does not mean the process cannot be aided by participating in other, more holistic practices designed to improve their overall wellbeing and comfort.

For this reason, luxury rehab often provides individuals with a wide range of activities they can participate in while they undergo their addiction treatment. Designed to maximise comfort and help them overcome their obstacles, these activitiescan include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Meditation
  • Dietary therapy
  • Massages
  • Yoga or Pilates
  • Spiritual healing

While not directly targeting their substance abuse, these treatments can boost an individual’s overall health and wellbeing, improving their chances of successful recovery in the process.

8. Greater access to professionals

Finally, luxury rehab offers individuals far better access to medical professionals and their time. In many cases, those attending rehab are outnumbered by the experts there to help them, and so there is no waiting for help and no delay between sessions.

Unlike in regular rehab, individuals can have frequent and personalised treatment, as well as see several different expertsto tackle different aspects of their addiction. The result of this is more thorough therapeutic work, causing an individual to learn from and engage with sessions in a more efficient way.