
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Maesteg man given 18 years in prison for offences including rape

Nathan Turner

Nathan Turner, 34 from Maesteg was sentenced at Newport Crown Court on Friday June 22 to a total of 18 years in prison for multiple offences.

Turner was convicted of the following offences:

1)Coercive and controlling behaviour


3)Criminal Damage


5)Pervert the course of justice



At Newport Crown Court Turner was sentenced to 15 years in prison with three years extended for a total sentence of 18 years. He was also subject to an Indefinite Restraining Order, Forfeiture & Destruction of the defendant’s phone and had to pay a victim surcharge of £270.

Police Constable Rebecca Gordon Said:“I would like to commend the incredible bravery of the victim in reporting this attack, which has allowed us to bring a dangerous individual to justice.

“I hope that this sentence will serve as encouragement to other victims of sexual abuse to come forward. We will believe you and do everything we can to bring offenders to justice, no matter how long ago the offences took place.

“If you have experienced these kinds of offences, you will be heard and listened to, and your report will be believed.”