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New section of Gower coast path planned following coastal erosion

Credit: Swansea Council

A section of Gower coast path affected by coastal erosion is being diverted further inland to help maintain the popular walking route.

Swansea Council has secured funding from the Welsh Government to help provide a new 450 metre section of coast path between Rotherslade and Limeslade.

The latest planned improvements follow on from coastal erosion which has previously occurred near to the existing route and has prompted the Council’s Countryside Access Team to look at developing an alternative route which will help maintain the continuous route that stretches along the entire Gower coastline.

Plans will include the introduction of a fully accessible 1.5 metre-wide concrete path, suitable for walkers, parents with baby buggies and also wheelchair users.

Works are expected to get underway later this month (September) and will require the temporary closure of the existing section to allow the work to be completed.

Closure notices are due to be erected near to the route to inform path-users of the future closure.

Andrew Steven, Cabinet Member for Environment and Infrastructure, said: “The coast path around Gower is a popular and much loved destination that is walked all year round.

“Coastal erosion is something we need to respond to when it impacts on the route. A recent collapse of the cliff side near to the route has prompted us to take immediate action.

“Whilst the existing route is currently safe for users, we do need to take action to create a new route further inland.

“This will be completed later this year and will enable us to install a new section of accessible path.

“Unfortunately, this will mean we will need to close the affected section so the improvements can be completed safely.”

The latest plan also follow on from previous work to the path in the same location when 270 metres of new path was created after a similar collapse of the nearby cliff side occurred.

And a further 1.5km of coast path has also previously been upgraded between Caswell Bay and Langland.

Swansea’s section of the All Wales Coast Path was officially opened in 2012, where 61km of coast path have been joined together to enable walkers to trek from Swansea’s waterfront in SA1 and walk right through to Loughor, travelling through Caswell Bay, Port Eynon, Rhossili and Llanmadoc.

Cllr Stevens added: “I believe our section of coast path along Swansea and Gower has some of the most scenic views along the entire Wales coastline. It really is stunning and I would encourage those yet to experience it, to go and have a stroll.”