
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Opportunity for sport and community groups in Cardiff park

Hailey Park

Sport and community groups are being offered the opportunity to lease the changing rooms in Hailey Park as Cardiff Council looks to secure investment in the existing facilities and improve opportunities for residents to take part in sport and physical activity.

Expressions of interest in leasing the changing rooms must be submitted by close of business on March 24th.

A council spokesperson said: “Lease arrangements of this type are already in place in many of Cardiff’s parks, delivering investment in existing facilities, helping increase participation in sport and enabling local organisations and sports clubs to unlock new funding opportunities.”

The council’s preferred solution is for an organisation to manage the building as changing rooms and to take on responsibility for the adjoining pitches, with a view to improving the quality of the pitches over time. All existing facility and pitch users have been made aware of the proposals.

In addition to 11 changing rooms the property also includes WC facilities, a reception area and office accommodation. The lease will also include the car park adjoining the changing facilities.