
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Parade to travel through city centre as Swansea Pride returns

Swansea Pride

A colourful parade with a carnival atmosphere will make its way through the city centre on Saturday as the annual Swansea Pride festival returns.

This year the free festival which starts at 12 noon and runs until 7pm is taking place in the car park and grounds at the front of the Guildhall and the nearby Brangwyn Hall.

It has been moved as the traditional venue at Museum Park has not recovered from weeks of heavy rain.

Prior to the festival a parade will take place, starting out from Wind Street at 11am and then making its way through the city centre to the Guildhall via Caer St, St Marys Square, Oxford St, Dillwyn St, St Helens Road and St Helens Crescent.

Rolling road closures will be in place and motorists are advised to take alternative routes if possible during the late morning.

Although the location has changed the fun-packed event will still be the same with live music, food, drink, trade stands and community zones.

The Mini-Pride will still take place on Sunday 30th April at the National Waterfront Museum.

A full list of acts, activities and other information can be found at swanseapride.co.uk

Swansea Pride is organised independently but supported by Swansea Council.

Council leader Rob Stewart, said: “This free event is one of the highlights of the year and there is an open invitation for people across Swansea and beyond to come along and enjoy what is always a great carnival atmosphere.

“Unfortunately the prolonged period of heavy rain we have experienced recently has meant that the traditional site at Museum Park is not available so we have had to locate to alternate site at short notice.

“I’m very grateful to council officers for working with the organisers to secure a new venue.”