
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Plans for Wellfield Road are given the go-ahead

Wellfield Road. Credit: Google Maps

The final agreed scheme for Wellfield Road which includes a new one-way-system, a pop-up cycleway; improved facilities for pedestrians, as well as short stay parking, has been given the go-ahead with 74% of local residents surveyed supporting the new plans.

Work will start on site on Sunday November 22ndand will take four weeks to complete. The impact on local traders will be minimal – with the road remaining open and pedestrian access being maintained on either side of the road throughout the works.

Plans outlined for Wellfield Road development. Credit: Cardiff Council

The new scheme will make Wellfield Road a one-way-system northbound from Albany Road travelling up towards Pen-y-Lan Road. Southbound traffic will turn left on to Pen-y-Lan Road at the junction with Wellfield Road, and stay on this road until the junction with Albany Road. Buses will then turn right at Albany Road to continue to the city centre.

A new pop-up cycleway installed on Wellfield Road will lead on to a new proposed cycleway on Albany Road, which will be built in stages. Initially, the new Albany Road cycleway will be installed up to thejunction withCityRoad and Mackintosh Place and there are plans to extend the route along Richmond Road into the city centre. 

On the east side of Wellfield Road, short-stay parking has been reintroduced for customers to use. On the other side of the road, the pavement will be extended to aid social distancing. A new pedestrian crossing will also be installed, as well as additional parking spaces for Blue Badge Holders to use and new cycle stands.

The birch trees in planters will be incorporated into the design of the scheme, with additional plants added to green up the area.

A spokesman for Cardiff council said: “The final scheme strikes a balance between improving outside space for visitors and residents, ensuring that businesses have outside space to trade, while re-instating some short-stay parking on Wellfield Road for customers to use.

“We have worked closely with local traders and local councillors to agree the final scheme and the endorsement from local residents is very encouraging to see. This is part of an on-going project to improve local shopping areas across the city, as part of our response to the on-going pandemic.”

The Council is continuing to engage with local businesses on Albany Road on the new proposed cycleway, which will link to the Wellfield Road cycleway. A letter has been sent out to all local businesses and residents in the area, with contact details provided so any questions they have can be answered.