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Powys becomes UK’s first Endometriosis Friendly Council

Powys (Adobe Stock)

Powys County Council has signed up to become an Endometriosis Friendly Employer, the first local authority in the UK to do so.

The scheme, led by Endometriosis UK, provides guidance on how to support employees with endometriosis, with employers committing to providing those with the condition the necessary support to thrive at work.

By becoming an Endometriosis Friendly Employer, Powys County Council is showing a commitment to support staff who have the condition and tackling stigma and changing culture surrounding endometriosis in the workplace.

Councillor Jake Berriman, Cabinet Member for a Connected Powys, said: “As an employer, we are committed to supporting our workforce and helping employees reach their full potential. That’s why we’re proud to have signed up to become an Endometriosis Friendly Employer.

“Throughout the year we have a programme of communications and events scheduled for council staff and councillors to learn more about the condition and how to support those who live with the disease.

“We have also appointed an Endometriosis Champion, Lowri Shepstone, who is a member of staff who lives with endometriosis herself, and volunteers for Endometriosis UK in her spare time as the Mid Wales Support Group Leader. As champion, Lowri will be the main point of contact for staff to turn to for support and information relating to the disease.

“I hope this will inspire more businesses and organisations in Powys and across mid Wales to sign up and commit to supporting staff who have the condition, so they can thrive at work.”

Emma Cox, CEO of Endometriosis UK said: “Employers who sign up to the scheme are helping break down the taboo and stigma around endometriosis and menstrual conditions, and developing work environments where all staff are comfortable talking about possible practical adjustments that could be of benefit.

“A huge thank you to Powys County Council for championing and supporting those with endometriosis by signing up to the scheme.

“We now look forward to seeing many other employers following their lead.”