
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Principality wins award for financial education work

Principality Building Society has won the NPTC Group of Colleges Education Award 2018 at the Wales Responsible Business Awards for its financial education work across schools in Wales.

More than 5,000 young people in communities across Wales have been helped through Principality’s school based activities, including financial education and careers based workshops.

Steve Hughes, Chief Executive of Principality Building Society said:

“Our colleagues delivered financial education workshops to reach more than 5,000 young people directly in the past 18 months. An outstanding effort which makes me immensely proud and I am sure our Members and colleagues feel the same.”

Business in The Community Director Matt Appleby said:

“The Wales Responsible Business Awards are a celebration of incredible dedication by companies across Wales.  We are united in a belief that business can improve lives and create a healthier society – and our winners, who fill us with optimism for the future, are exemplars of responsible business.

“Congratulations, Principality Building Society, on your committed responsible business practice – and for being the best of the best. We look forward to continue working with you over the coming year.”