
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Public tip-off leads to arrest in Cardiff robbery case

James Crook was identified from CCTV

Earlier this year South Wales Police posted a CCTV image of a man wanted in connection with a robbery in Canton, Cardiff.

Thanks to information from the public, James Crook, known as Jay, was identified, and arrested for robbery.

On the afternoon of February 9, 2024, 41-year-old Crook watched a woman withdraw a substantial amount of money from a cash machine on Delta Street.

He then followed her into Albert Street where he grabbed her bag, causing her to fall, and he ran off into a nearby housing estate.

The woman’s bag was found, but her £500 was missing.

CCTV of James Crook

Crook was identified following a CCTV appeal for information and on May 5 he was arrested in Caerau.

In a statement, the victim described the impact of the incident:

“I am completed devastated it has changed my life, and it is affecting me in everyday life. I am having flashbacks. I am frequently thinking that he is still running after me”.

“He took the money from me that was going to be used to pay my bills and provide for my family. Because of this I was not able to do those things which left me feeling very guilty.”

“This incident has had a major impact on my day-to-day life before this I used to enjoy going into Canton to go to the shops, I was very friendly with some of the shop owners, since this has happened, I can no longer leave the house or do things that I used to enjoy doing”.

Crook pleaded guilty to robbery and on June 28 he was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court to 44 months in prison.

Officer in the case, Detective Constable Sophie Joseph, said:“We hope that the outcome of our investigation will bring some comfort to this lady and reassure the wider community of our commitment to investigating violent crime.

“We would like to thank those who contacted us in response to the CCTV appeal for information and helped bring Crook to justice. This is a good example of police and the community working together to help keep our city safe.”