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Radnorshire Wildlife Trust Launches Fundraiser for Gilfach Nature Reserve

Radnorshire Wildlife Trust (RWT) has launched their Gilfach Appeal, aimed at raising £50,000 to improve the visitor centre at Gilfach Nature Reserve so that it can become a valuable community space which is used more regularly and can enhance the overall experience at the reserve. RWT want to put Gilfach Nature Reserve at the heart of the local community and inspire visitors to connect with nature in a meaningful way. If the target is reached then this will enable vital work to be carried out to make the visitor centre warmer, more energy efficient and a more usable space for visitors, volunteers, and staff to enjoy year-round. The improvements will also help RWT to reduce the organisations own environmental and carbon footprint, working towards achieving Net Zero targets by 2030. 

Ben Porter, Ambassador for Radnorshire Wildlife Trust: “Supporting the Appeal for Gilfach Nature Reserve will enable it to be such a great space for training, to share skills, and to be able to use the visitor centre all through the year.”

Ben added, “This is such an incredible reserve. It’s one of the first places in Radnorshire that I ever spent time in, just exploring the natural world and seeing the amazing array of habitats and wildlife that you get there.”

Purchased by Radnorshire Wildlife Trust in 1988, Gilfach Nature Reserve is nestled in the Marteg Valley, in the heart of rural Mid Wales. The breathtaking landscape and variety of wildlife is what makes Gilfach so special. The reserve boasts an incredible diversity of flora and fauna, being well known for Pied flycatcher, Redstart, Dipper, Cuckoo and leaping Atlantic salmon, with the River Marteg running through. Bell heather, common heather and gorse bring a blaze of colour to the hillside in late summer. Butterflies love the wildflowers and grasses, with the Small pearl-bordered fritillary, Common blue and Green hairstreak to name but a few.

With over 12,000 visitors annually, the reserve is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and a popular attraction for locals and tourists alike. However, the visitor centre and its facilities need to be improved. The building is poorly energy efficient and becomes unusable during cold winter weather. Funds raised from the Gilfach Appeal will go directly to improving the visitor centre, weatherproofing it for year-round use, and ensuring that the building is more energy efficient in line with Net Zero targets. This will include installing solar panels, insulation, traditional lime plastering, under floor heating and draft exclusion.

Chloe Jackson, Digital Marketing and Fundraising Officer for Radnorshire Wildlife Trust: Whether you have visited Gilfach Nature Reserve before or simply support Radnorshire Wildlife Trust’s vision for nature’s recovery, please consider donating towards our Gilfach Appeal. This will enable us to improve the facilities at the reserve, continue our conservation efforts, and ensure that others can connect with this special place, now and in the future.”

Through a combination of donations, match funding, grants, and community fundraisers, RWT hopes to reach the £50,000 target for the improvements. Anyone wishing to donate can do so via the website: https://www.rwtwales.org/appeals/gilfach-appeal