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RNIB makes accessible books free for children in Wales for World Book Day

RNIB audio book

To celebrate World Book Day on Thursday (4 March), the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is giving away thousands of books in braille and audio formats for children with vision impairment across Wales.

The selection of 13 titles aims to support World Book Day’s mission to give every child and young person a book of their own.

The titles include a Welsh language book, Ha Ha Cnec, by Cardiff illustrator Huw Aaron, which is packed with jokes and cartoons.

Organised by UNESCO, World Book Day is marked in more than 100 countries around the world, with 2021 being the 24th year of celebrations.

World Book Day organisers are encouraging parents, children and young people of all ages to spend at least 10 minutes a day sharing a book together and celebrate reading for pleasure, helping to promote wellbeing for everyone.

RNIB Cymru Director Ansley Workman said: “We’re delighted to support this year’s World Book Day. Reading can open up a world of possibilities and enhance the imagination, which is why it is so important for every child (and adult) to be able to enjoy books of their choice.

“The braille and audio versions of books that we have created ensure that blind and partially sighted children can discover these stories just like any other child and share in the excitement this World Book Day.”

To claim a free book in braille or audio (Daisy CD) format, call the RNIB helpline on 0303 123 9999 or email helpline@rnib.org.uk The books will be available for free until 31 March 2021.

The titles available are:

Ha Ha Cnec by Huw Aaron

There’s a Wolf in Your Book by Tom Fletcher

What the Ladybird Heard (Playscript) by Julia Donaldson

Gigantosaurus: Dino-Spot by Jonny Duddle

Luna Loves World Book Day by Joseph Coehlo

Protect the Planet by Jess French

Football School by Alexander Bellos and Ben Lyttleton

Planet Omar: Operation Kind by Zanib Mian

The River Whale by Sita Brahmachari

Skysteppers by Katherine Rundell

Little Badman and the Radioactive Samosa by Humza Arshad and Henry White

Skulduggery Pleasant: Apocalypse Kings by Derek Landy

Killjoy by Holly Jackson