
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Road closed to upgrade gas network in Blackwood

Cefn Road, Blackwood

Wales & West Utilities are making progress with work to upgrade the gas network in Blackwood.

The £150,000 work, which will be complete in October, is essential to keep the gas flowing safely and reliably to local homes and businesses, keeping people warm for generations to come.

As part of the latest phase of work Wales & West Utilities has liaised with Caerphilly County Borough Council and, in order to avoid locally planned events, Wales & West Utilities has revised its traffic management plans. Cefn Road will be now be closed in phases as work progresses from its junction of High Street towards the junction with South View Road.

The closure will be in place between 12 September – 16 October and access for residents will be maintained at all times.

Local diversions will be clearly signposted and will involve the gates, that usually prevent traffic accessing both High Street and Cefn Road, being open throughout.